Chapter 28: You Are Ryu! The Almost Fatal Moment!!!

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"FATE ELEMENT!" Ryukan called as a threatening flash of lightning illuminated the sky.

"NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" Atlanta screamed as she ran towards Ryukan in tears.

"ATLANTA!" Nadia called.

"What's this? A bleeding heart? How sweet" Ryukan paused his jutsu and turned to face Atlanta.

"Ryu! Stop! PLEASE STOP THIS!" Atlanta pleaded in tears as she ran towards Ryukan.

"Atlanta wait! That's not Ryu!" Crystal yelled.

"This is bad! If Atlanta gets near Ryukan...she'll die!" Tornado roared as he viewed the situation through the Golden Ryuugan.

When Atlanta was close enough, Ryukan caught her by the neck and lifted her off the ground.

"What do you think you're trying to do?" he said as he looked her in the eyes with a malicious smile.

"'re somewhere in there..." Atlanta struggled to say.

Ryukan laughed.

"Ryu is dead. Have you so soon forgotten? It was you that killed him" Ryukan said.

"I-I believe that..." Atlanta struggled to speak.

Ryukan squeezed tighter.

"UNNH!" Atlanta grunted in pain.

"And tell me why I would care what a pitiful human like you believes?" Ryukan said.

"Atlanta smiled.

"Y-You do care. Y-You hesi-tated when I called to you. You didn't do what you planned to do" Atlanta struggled to speak.

"ATLANTA!" the others called as they ran towards Ryukan and her.

Ryukan formed seals with one hand.

"Earth Element! Crystal Dome Jutsu!" Ryukan called as he created a dome around himself and Atlanta.

"Rokkan! We need you!" Nadia called.

"There is nothing I can do. I can't get close to them without a jutsu and if I do use a jutsu more powerful than Shekan's crystal dome, I'll kill them both" Rokkaden said.

"Then...what is going to happen?" Michael asked in fright.

"You guys will have to save Ryu, even Atlanta who is presently in a perilous state. Molten, I know memory transfer is forbidden but you'll have to use it this time. If I use Rokkan's body for much longer, he'll die. This technique, suddenly forcing him into the Chaos State will have a huge toll on him once I leave" Rokkaden said.

"I only hesitated so that I could kill you in front of your friends" Ryukan said to Atlanta with a smile.

"I don't'd-d-d do that. You rescued me allow me to do the same for you" Atlanta struggled to say.

"It's hopeless Atlanta. Ryu died long ago. Probably even before he fought Nemesis" Ryukan said with a malicious smile.

Atlanta chuckled.

"See? You said...he fought Nemesis. He's still in there" Atlanta struggled to say as her vision began to blur. She gasped for air.

"Ryu needs your friendship more than your elements. It is time to show that you are there for him, even if he thinks that he doesn't need you" Rokkaden said.

Michael held Nadia's hand. Nadia held Tanya's. Tanya held Ken's. Ken held Rokkaden's. Michael and Rokkaden placed their free hands on the dome.

"There is a sacred connection amongst close friends. It can be felt the strongest...within twins" Rokkaden said as the friends shut their eyes and searched their hearts for Ryu.

Molten breathed over them. The other Dragons breathed over them as well. Their memories of Ryu, as well as the pain each of them had shared, flowed through the dome and reached Ryukan.

"Ryu" their voices called inside the dome.

"Ryu" Atlanta repeated.

"Ryu" the Dragon Saints called.

"Ryu" the human saints recalled.

Then, their voices united.

"Wh-What is this?!" Ryukan frowned.

"RYU! YOU'RE STRONGER THAN THIS!" their voices sounded.

Ryukan dropped Atlanta as a bright light flashed within his mind. He clutched his chest. Elements of rainbow colours flowed through the united hands of the friends as they channelled their thoughts into the Crystal dome.

"This is how dragons truly communicate. Not with words...but with feelings" Crystal said.

"WE'RE HERE FOR YOU RYU! WE WON'T GIVE UP! WE'LL KEEP FIGHTING FOR YOU!" the voices of Ryu's friends sounded inside the dome.

"What's this...WHAT IS THIS JUTSU?!" Ryukan screamed.

"Not everything in this world is a jutsu Shekan. This is more than any jutsu! THIS...IS LOVE!!!" Rokkaden declared.

At that moment, the Crystal dome shattered.


"Big mistake pal! Water Element!" Nadia called.

"Water Element!" Michael repeated.

"Wind element!" Ken roared.

Ryukan charged on.

"Crystal Element" Atlanta called weakly.

"Lightning Element!" Rokkaden called.

"What is this feeling? It's like, there is music playing within my heart. Is this a new song?" Tanya muttered as she removed the flute her father had given her. "Musical Element!" she called as she played passionately.

Melodious music flowed everywhere. Strength began to build within the Dragon Saints and their Human partners. Ryukan sped on and drew even closer. He suddenly concentrated a lot of chakra into his feet giving him an amazing boost!

"DIE!!!" he roared as he suddenly appeared before Nadia and aimed for a fatal strike.

"Shoot! We can't make it in time!" Rokkaden yelled.

"TOO LATE!" Ryukan laughed as the Death-Sabre came down.

"SILENT JUTSU! THE SIREN'S PROTECTION!!!" Atlanta screamed as she suddenly appeared in front of Nadia.

"ATLANTA!!!" Nadia screamed.

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