Chapter 2 : The Flashback

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Minsoo fainted because of severe headache, seeing her state, Seojun panicked. He picked her up bridal style and drove home. He went in and put her to bed.
Minsoo had pieces of memories flashing again and again. There was a man in black suit, red tie and his hair parted. She also saw barrels of corpses and weapons with blood. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Seojun saw her tears and wiped it with his thumb. He held her hand tightly and slowly dozed off.
6 in the evening
Minsoo wakes up, she looked around and saw seojun sleeping with his head on the bed side, holding her hand. She smiled and softly removed his hand off of hers.
Seojun felt his hand moving and woke up. He looks at minsoo and quickly hugs her. " Oh, thank God you are ok. What happened!?" He asked, worried. "I'm ok, just a bad dream. Don't worry about it." She said. What was her dream about. She followed seojun downstairs and went to get some snacks. " Hey, can you wait here, I'll quickly make a phone call." He said and minsoo nodded. Seojun went in a room and called his assistant," Hey, can you do me a favour and get all information on Lee Min Ho and his relation with minsoo." He soon ended the call and went to Minsoo, who was watching TV. " What are you watching?" He asked sitting beside her. " News. The reporter is saying that they got 4 new murder cases! Abusive parents and lover, gangsters and more. They are all done by Mr X."
Seojun nodded. " I think Mr X is not that bad. He does things even police can't, since they don't know half of the information on the cases. I really want to see his true identity."
Suddenly, images of a room filled Minsoo's mind. A room with weapons, boards with pictures and information, files scattered everywhere. She held her head and let out a groan. " You alright?" Seojun asked, worried about her health," We'll go to the doctor to get you checked up. No buts." He said and went to the kitchen to make dinner. " But...." Minsoo tried to convince him that she is fine but he cut her off," I said no buts. End of discussion." They had their dinner and went to bed.
3 AM
Minsoo was having a bad dream, about a guy dying in an apartment, his dead body in front of her with Mr X's symbol carved on his lake wrist, marking him. She also saw the guy from the restaurant with her.
She jolted up from her sleep, sweating. " Why am I seeing him everywhere. Who is he, and what is his relation with me?" She decided to meet him at the same restaurant the next day to get more information.
The next day
Both of them got ready to go to the hospital. Seojun noticed that Minsoo looked tired and had dark circles under her eyes," What happened to you?" He asked. " Overthinking is what happened." She replied, making him laugh. They both drove off to the hospital after breakfast and consulted a doctor.
While minsoo was with a doctor, seojun got a call from his assistant," Sorry sir but I couldn't find anything about Min Ho, the only think I doubt that Minsoo's real name is Park Shin Hye and she was Min Ho's childhood best friend." He cut the call and went in the room where Minsoo was with the doctor. " It seems like something is triggering her past memories who's is causing the flashbacks. Since she still hasn't recovered completely, her brain can't take the force of all the memories, which causes the headaches." They thanked the doctor and left the premises. " You can go back, I have some work." Said Minsoo. " Ok, but call me if you need me." Seojun left. Shin hye went the the restaurant where she met the guy. She asked the receptionist about him and was led to a table where he was eating. Minsoo sat in front of him, catching his complete attention. " You.....why are you here?" He asked. " Aren't you happy to see me. You said you know me, right?" She asked. " Ofcourse." He replied, " How can I forget you." He stated. " So tell me all you know about me." She said with hope. They talked and talked, and before they left they exchanged numbers. After they bud their good byes they went separate ways. Minsoo was going to the bus stop, while walking she bumped into a tall man with mask. His features reminded her of someone familiar. The guy looked at her and his eyes widen. " Park ...... Park Shin Hye!?" Was all that left his mouth.

- Kim Yoonjin

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