Chapter 6 : The Guy with the Tattoo

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Minsoo felt guilty for treating Minho and Jong Suk badly, but she didn't really have a choice, or did she? It wasn't them who were pulling her back into the past, but herself. She could've just thought of everything as a bad nightmare and forgotten it, but instead she let her past take over her.
" What are are you thinking, princess?" Asked WooBin, Minsoo snapped back into reality, hoping someone would find her.

Jong suk, Seojun and Minho were at the park, searching for clues. After an hour of searching they met at the entrance. " Did you find anything?" Minho asked, hoping for a good news. Even though Minho wasn't on good terms with Minsoo, he was still very worried. He looked at Jong Suk and Seojun who nodded with disappointment. They let out a sigh. He took out his phone and called his assistant," Hello, Mr. Han, I'm sorry for calling you on your day off but can you do me a favour?" He asked, and his assistant gladly accepted the request. While Minho was talking one the phone, Jong Suk saw something shiny on a bush, by the street light at the entrance. He walked up to it and bent over the bush to get a clear look at the object. It was a ring, but it looked quite familiar. Then he remembered that Minsoo always wore the exact same ring in her right hand. He took the ring over to seojun and showed it to him," Isn't this Minsoo's ring?!" Seojun inquired. " Yes it is." " Where did you find it?"
Jong suk points towards the spot where he found the ring. " It must have fallen off since she never takes it off."
Minho ended the call and walked up to the others," Guys! I got yesterday's CCTV footage." He smiled proudly. " That's great! Let's watch it." They stated watching the footage and focused on Minsoo. That's when they saw a guy walk up to her, standing right behind her. Then the footage went blank. " Dammit!" They were all frustrated. Seojun looked at Minho and said," So all we've got is a tall guy with black hair. What good will looking at his back do to us, huh?" Minho kept watching the footage while the others were bickering. Minho noticed something about the guy which was strangely familiar. He taps on Jong Suk's shoulder and asks him. Jong Suk zoomed in on the back of the guy's neck and noticed a Tattoo. " Ive seen it somewhere before." Thought Minho. He sends a screenshot of the tattoo to Mr. Han, asking him about it. They walked back to the car and sat inside. Right at the moment Mr. Han called Minho," Where did you find this Tattoo? Minho you are dealing with a literal Phycho Stalker right here. I told my men to collect some information and they found that this guy is Kim Woo Bin. He has been stalking your friend Minsoo, or should I say Shin Hye. I sent some of my men to find his address, I'll send it to you soon." Minho was really quite but his anger was showing on his face. ". Minho, sir are you there?". " Yes, continue." " Sir we found his address. But he lives in a villa with lots of security. It might be difficult to get in........" " Send me the address." He said in a stern voice. " But sir......" " Do you want me to repeat myself!" " No sir. Oh, and one more thing. You might know him by another name." With that the call ended, leaving behind a confused Minho. " What was that all about?" The others asked. Minho tells them everything except the last bit, he wanted to figure it out himself. Their hands ball into fists, they were all furious, but also felt bad for Minsoo, who had to go through all this. As soon as they got the address they decided that they'll arm themselves with weapons and save Minsoo.
They arrive at Jong Suk's house since it was the closest, and go straight to the basement," Please ignore the barrels." He warns, leading them to the storage room where he hides his weapons. They were impressed with his collection of weapons.
Seojun chose the Stainless Steel Colt M1911A1.
Minho chose a Taurus Model 99 Pistol and a Knife with a Curved, Serrated Edge Blade and Antler Handle.
Jong suk chose a Heckler and Koch Mark 23 Model 0 and a Long, Silver, Triple Edged Dagger.
They chose their weapons that were easy to hide but effective. They wore bulletproof vest just to be safe. Soon Mr. Han sent them the address and they drove off, determined to save Minsoo.

( I'm not an expert with guns.)
- Sana

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