Chapter 7 : Step Brother

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It was past midnight. Minho, Jong Suk and Seojun parked their car a few metres away from Woobin's villa and were hiding near the front gate's security cabin. The security guard was busy on a call so they tried to sneak past him. Luckily, they noticed the security cameras, making them realise that they'll have to deal with the guard. Seojun started knocking on the window with a pained expression. The guard cut the call and opened the window. Seojun pretended to take support of the wall while the other was on his stomach, " me." He stuttered, pretending to faint. The guard looked out of the window while Minho and Jong Suk sneaked behind him, "Good Night Night." Smirked Minho as Jong Suk knocked him out. They taped his mouth and tied him up. Minho worked on the system and successfully turned all the cameras off. They exited the cabin and slowly walked upto the door, their backs touching the wall. They peaked through the window and see an empty corridor, "I'll go in first. When I give you an Okay signal you can come in." Explained Jong Suk. He uses the lock picks and opens the door slowly. He walks in and sees a door at the end of the corridor. He sneaks up to the door, bending lower so that no one sees him through the glass. He saw Minsoo sleeping on the couch and smiled. He signals the others but they didn't respond. Jong Suk got worried. He sneaked out to the door and scanned the vacinity, "Guys no one is in here, you can come in." No one replied. He heard gunshots coming from inside the living room, he rushed in and saw two guys holding Seojun while Minho was holding Minsoo behind him. He took out his gun and slowly walked up to Minho, while pointing the gun at the group of men. Minsoo was in tears, "Why are you guys here?" No one replied. Woobin entered the living room after hearing all the commotion. "What the hell is going on here?"
When Minho saw him his breath hitched. It felt as if his heart dropped in an endless, deep, dark pit.  "Wow, look what we have here. Long time no see. Did you miss me Minho?" While everyone's attention was on Woobin and Minho, Seojun took the opportunity to push the two men holding him and to take out his gun. The three of them stood around Minsoo with their guns in their hands, pointed towards Woobin's men. "Minho, do you know him?" Asked Jong Suk, concerned. "I....I don't." He answered. Woobin chuckled at Minho's lie, "Are you sure?". He smirked. Minho's hands were shaking. Woobin signals his men, "Let's see what you've got." Jong Suk quickly grabbed Minsoo by her arm and dragged her oi into safety. "Stay here, and take this," Jong Suk hands her the knife "we'll be back soon." He assured her. Just as he was about to walk away, Minsoo grabbed his wrist and said, "Please be careful." Jong Suk smiled and nodded. He rushes back in and sees Minho strangling Woobin while Seojun was fighting Woobin's men. Jong Suk joined Seojun. Four - Five men attacked them, one threw a punch while the other dodged. One tried to stab Jong Suk with a knife, but he dodged and grabbed his hand, throwing him onto the floor. Seojun kicked the gun out of one's hand, kicking the back of their knee as they fell on the ground. Seojun held the guy by his arm, slowly twisting it, pushing him harshly towards the rest, shooting them soon after. Jong Suk punched a guy on the nose as he stumbled back towards the wall, stabbing the guy in the throat.
Minho and Woobin were staring at each other while walking in circles. "How long will you keep pretending to not know me, Hyung." "You still have the audacity to call me Hyung, after everything you've done. You shameless bastard." Minho punched him is the face. Woobin stumbled back, wiping the blood off his lips. "Aww Hyung, still living in the past. You are just like your dad, holding grudges. You should try to be like your mom, she used to let go of all useless things and thoughts. Like you." Woobin smirked, knowing he unlocked the only memory Minho hid in a corner of his mind, the deepest corner. Minho tried his best to not let his emotions take over, but failed miserably. A person's eyes show their emotions the best. Woobin knew Minho's worst memories and what could break him easily, and he used them. Minho felt like his world is falling apart. He tried to gather himself back together. "Did I hurt you Hyung, I'm sorry." Woobin remarked with pure sarcasm. Minho had enough of Woobin's games, Woobin grabbed a knife from the kitchen counter and threw it in Minho's direction. Minho barely dodged, getting cut on his arm. He bent down and crawled behind the counter. "Don't hide like a coward, Hyung. Remember the D-Day. How your eyes glowed like fire." He kept triggering Minho's dark side. Once the beast is unleashed, it won't be easy for Minho to lock it back again. One could say that he is his own monster, his own fear. Minho saw Woobin's feet near the counter, he stabbed him in his feet, leaving a huge wound before running to the other side. Woobin groaned in pain. "I will end you, you Maniac. I should've finished you when I had a chance. I regret letting you live." Minho spat. "Maybe this is why I was Mother's favourite. You reminded her of your dad. Even if you lock it away, you can't hide it forever. It's in your blood." Minho grabbed woobin by his throat after knocking the knife out of his hand. Before he could do anything, one of Woobin's men shot him in the shoulder. He let go of Woobin's neck.
Seojun stabbed the guy from behind but Minho was already hurt. He was the last of Woobin's minions. Jong Suk saw Minho's gun on the floor. Minho couldn't shoot him, why? Who was Woobin? Jong Suk and Seojun stood beside Minho with their guns pointed at Woobin. Minho held the kitchen counter for support, his head hung low. He couldn't kill woobin. He nodded his head, pulling the guns out of Seojun's and Jong Suk's hands. They stared at him in disbelief. "You can't kill me, Dear Brother. You know you can't." Woobin stated weakly, blood pooling around his feet. This was the last bit of patience left in Minho. He looked up, darkness visible in his eyes. He punched Woobin, who dodged it and grabbed Minho by his waist, pushing him to the other side of the kitchen. Minho kicked him between the legs and pushed him off himself. He grabbed the gun from the counter and shot Woobin in the head, "Step Brother." He corrected Woobin. He stared at Woobin, watching the light fade out of his eyes.

( Hyung - Older Brother )

- Sana

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