Chapter 3 : What I want

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"Pardon?" Minsoo looked at the guy, confused. "Shin Hye, it's you right?" Asked the guy. "Who are you sir. I'm sorry but I don't know you." "It's me, Jong Suk. We lived together for a while." Minsoo's eyes widen. "Let's talk somewhere else, sir."
Jong Suk drove her to his place. They went in and sat on the couch. Minsoo looked around, trying to remember. Her head hurt a little bit she tried not to show it. He handed Minsoo a bottle of water," Are you ok?" " I'm fine." "So how are you. I thought you died." Asked Jong Suk. " I was saved by Seojun. I've been living with him ever since. The doctors said that I lost all my memories, so I only remember a bare minimum." She explained. Jong suk felt bad for not being able to save her, but smiled knowing she is in good hands. " So what do you remember?" He asked. Minsoo paused for a second and replied," Nothing special I guess. I remember a bridge, a small house, and a cafe. I recently met this guy named Minho." She was cut off by Jong Suk, " Why did you meet him after what he did to you. He is a scumbag who only cares about himself!" Minsoo was very confused.
" That jerk was the reason you jumped off the bridge. He used you and broke you." Tears stream down her face. She got up and Walked towards the door. " I have to go." She left the house without any explanation.
She took the bus and reached Seojun's home. She saw seojun trying to call someone, while walking in circles. " Sup." She said, walking up to him. "Where were you. I was trying to call you but you didn't pick up and I got worried." He said in one breath. Minsoo smiled at him. " I'm fine. I just met up with an old friend. He helped me out with things. He seemd like a good guy." Explained Minsoo, grabbing an apple from the table. But, something seemed to bother Seojun. He asked Minsoo something that made her pause her actions and look seojun in his eyes. " Are you sure you can trust that friend of yours? And after what happened to you, don't you want to start over and forget your painful past?"
" I ......"

- Kim Yoonjin

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