Chapter 8 : The aftermath of Woobin's death

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After cleaning up the mess Jongsuk and Seojun helped Minho walkout. They saw Minsoo sitting on the ground, head resting on her knees. Seojun slowly walked up to her, patting her shoulders softly. She looked up and saw three of them smiling at her. She jumped up on her feet and pulled them in a big hug," I was so worried." Jongsuk softly patted her back, calming her down," I've been worried about you too. But right now we are glad you are safe." Minsoo's head hung low, her soft sobs and sniffles could be heard clearly in the quiet night. "I'm so sorry." She cried out. Minho sat down near the door step and patted the space beside him, indicating her to set beside him. "So who exactly was Woobin, and why would he want to hurt me? I don't even know him." Minsoo questioned, thinking carefully about the people whom she might have offended in any way. Minho turned to face her," Hey, it was not your fault. Whatever happened, none of it was your fault." He reassured. Minsoo was confused, "What do you mean, it was all my fault. If only I had been more careful none of this would have happened." Minho cut her off and promised, " I killed him, and I'd gladly kill him again. I would do anything to protect you. The thought of losing you, it scares me." She pulled him in a big hug, but felt him tense up. She pulled away and saw his pained expression. She is scanned his figure in noticed his injuries. Concerned about his health she scolded," Let's go home, we need to treat your wounds before they get infected." " I'm fine. They will heal on their own." He defended. " Say that one more time and we'll leave you on the streets." Seojun and Jong Suk looked away, grinning. "Seriously guys." Minho looked at Minsoo," Who the hell made you the incharge?" The others raised their hands. " You guys are idiots." "Do you want an early funeral?" Minsoo warned, pressing a cotton swab over his bleeding lip. Minho hissed. She cut the torn parts of Minho's clothes to get easy access to his injuries. She took small cotton balls and put some antiseptic on it. He cleaned his injuries and wrapped  bandage and gauze around it. "I'll take care of the bullet." Jong Suk reassured. When they returned home, Seojun helped carry Minho to the couch and sat down beside him. Jongsuk sat down on the dining chair, filling a glass of water for everyone. "Let me do it." Minsoo offered. Minsoo took the jug and filled the glasses. "Lets get his treatment done, we can't let the bullet stay in there for too long." Seojun spoke while pointing at Minho. "You should leave. It is not something you should watch." Jongsuk advised. Minsoo nodded and went to her room. Jongsuk and Seojun got the first aid get and some other supplies and laid Minho on the couch. The the treatment started and Minho felt this drilling pain, it felt intense. Minsoo could hear his muffled cries. She knew he was holding back his urge to scream his lungs out. She waited for what felt like ages. She was worried about him, she knew him since we were kids. Seojun knocked at her door and told her she could come out. She saw Minho sitting while Jong suk was cleaning up. She walked up to Minho and sat beside him, he looked exhausted but still smile at her. His breath was weak, uneven and heavy. " Get some sleep. You all deserve it." They all nodded. Jongsuk and Seojun wished them goodnight and went to sleep. Minho got up and turned towards Minsoo," I wasn't scared of dying." Minsoo looked at him with a confused expression, " I was scared of making the wrong move, doing something that'll get you in trouble, or worse, something that'll get you hurt." He smiled and went to bed. Minsoo sat there, something didn't feel right

A few days later
Everything was going well, the boys were getting along with each other, except Minho. Minho I wasn't like this before, the sudden change in his behaviour worried Minsoo. Whenever she would try to talk to him he would shrug it off. One morning she called Seojun and Jongsuk over to her room," Haven't you guys noticed any change in Minho's behaviour? Seriously guys, I am worried about him. Can't you go and ask him about it?" She pleaded. Jongsuk brushed his fingers through his hair," Guys don't just talk about their feelings easily. It might be something personal, give him some time." Seojun nodded. Minsoo looked at them with pleading eyes. Jongsuk and Seojun let out a sigh," Fine, we'll try ."

That evening
" Here are the pictures you asked for Mr. Lee." The assistant presented Mr.Lee with pictures in a file. Mr.Lee opened the file, flipping through the pictures and slamming it on the desk. "My son had the audacity to go against me!"

At Seojun's house, that evening
Minho was staring at a distance, in the balcony, his face was emotionless but his mind was struggling to keep up with his mixed thoughts and feelings. He felt a hand snake around his shoulders. Turned around in almost punched the guy behind him. "Dude chill, it's us." Seojun assured. Seojun turned to Jong Suk, who was trying his best not to laugh," I almost lost and eye, you owe me." Everyone laughed. But it didn't last long. Minho turned towards the clear sky, admiring the beautiful evening. Seojun stood beside him and asked," Hey, how have you been? You've been acting a little distant lately. Anything on your mind?" Minho turned to face them," I've been meaning to tell you guys about it. Please keep the secret from Minsoo for now." He requested. "Sure, go ahead." Minho took a deep breath," I'm leaving." Jongsuk and Seojun were left stunned. "What?" A soft voice spoke with devastated tone.
Everyone turned to look at the owner of that voice. It was Minsoo, tears welled up in her eyes. "You're leaving?"

- Sana

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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