Storm & Blackout?

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(Warning there will be some abuse in this chapter I'll put an emoji from where it starts to finish so if your not comfortable with it then you can skip it)

Once the first movie was over I put in the second one hopefully I can finish it before my dad comes home.

Halfway through I hear the door slam open. Oh no he's home now I'm done for I was supposed to stay in my room. I quickly got up and tried to turn the TV off that's when he walked In.

He started yelling at me and that's when he started hurting me. "You ungrateful son of a pig! Well now I'm gonna have to beat it into you to follow the rules!"

I gulped I am so scared I hate when this happens. It's my fault I guess I need to follow the rules and be punished. He starts to hit me and kick me in the ribs. I whimper in pain, when will this end?

I say "father please s-stop... I'm sorry I learned my lesson!" He got even more angry after saying that. He says "I'll stop when I want to stop being a baby you need to take the pain like a man and listen or else I'll hurt you way more."

He leaves and I think he's finally done my face is going to be so bruised. I was wrong I spoke too soon hes back, and with a knife. He starts to cut my legs and pulls my hair. My father says "This will teach you your bad and you need to be punished. Next time follow the rules and stop watching that god damn stupid Fairy Pumpkin Show!!!"

I sigh in relief when he stops cutting me and throws me on the ground. I stutter out "I'm sorry... I'll try harder next time and I wont fail you again father".

He scoffs and leaves with the departing words "I wish you were never born your a disgrace and It will happen again and I'll enjoy beating sense into you, now go and clean up you got blood on my floors."

I touch my head, It's bleeding pretty badly. I get up and stumble into the wall, I'm so dizzy. I make my way into the bathroom and look in the mirror at what I've become.

Mother would hate me too if she was alive, I mean I hate me too so I wouldn't be hurt even if she hated me. I deserve to be hurt I killed my mom I'm a monster. As soon as I was born my mother Lydia, had trouble breathing and she died. I heard her voice say one word before she died, Estrella. She named me and if she didn't I wouldnt have a name It would probably be monster.

As soon as I could do chores my dad made me do them. I did everything around the house dishes, laundry, cooking, cleaning and when I can he's going to make me work.

No one would ever love someone like you, your ugly and your the "weird" girl. Everyone wants the popular cheerleaders who are rich and have everything they could ever want. Who would want a broken, useless mess? I mean I wouldn't.

I sigh and finish cleaning my face and move onto my legs and arms. My clothes are all bloody so I go into my room and change into a random hoodie I had in my closet and a pair of leggings. (If you don't like this outfit you can change it) I grabbed my Harry Potter blanket and continued the movie.

 (If you don't like this outfit you can change it) I grabbed my Harry Potter blanket and continued the movie

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While I was watching the movie the wind starting picking up and the lightning happened more frequently. I didn't really pay attention to it because I was too into the movie. I was at the part where Harry was about to kill Tom Riddles horcrux diary.

All of a sudden the lights went out and the tv started flickering to white and black. I got up confused and started to touch the tv, suddenly it zapped me. Then all I saw for a few minutes was absolutely nothing.

Am I dead? I can't be dead, I don't wanna be dead I didn't even get to live yet. Please no I don't wanna die not yet, I was supposed to be happy and live a long life and eventually find someone who will love me. This can't be the end can it?

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