It's Time

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I wake up and realize what the day is it's time. Today marks 4 months since I came into the Wizarding World. Dumbledore said I'm ready, I'm really scared and I have a lot of doubts.

I stretch and try to calm down, It's not like I'm going to be going to school with the next dark lord or anything. I can do this, I have to do this. If I don't I let down everyone, the whole world rests on my shoulders.

I get dressed into a black t-shirt and jeans to look at normal as possible and not stand out at all. I think I'll change once I get there so I won't look too out of place.

After I get changed I pack my trunk and all the books I wanna bring to the past

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After I get changed I pack my trunk and all the books I wanna bring to the past. I also grab my owl cage and my wand. I make sure to grab everything then walk out.

I go to Dumbledore's office and walk inside. I see Harry and Dumbledore in there. I smile at them and try to relax i can do this.

Harry runs up and hugs me. We gotten closer these past months and I met all his friends too but they don't know about my task. I sigh and pull away, it's time now or never.

I nod to Dumbledore in goodbye and ask him two last questions. "Sir should I tell the younger you about me time traveling and will I stay there once I succeed or will I go home?"

He laughs and says "I'm going to miss your questions but yes, it's essential you tell me and only me about your travel. I can help you on your task, you can either stay there or go home. Its all up to you, goodbye my dear."

I nod and say goodbye, this is it. Tom Marvolo Riddle here I come, I will break down your walls and save you from yourself.

I spin the time Turner 58 times and the world fades to black. I feel so dizzy, it's like I'm getting sucked in a really tight tube. It's horrible and uncomfortable, as soon as it begins it stops.

I fall on the ground and cough a lot. I'm so dizzy, after a few minutes I collect myself and look around. I'm in the room of requirements, so no one knows I arrived yet.

This is it I breathe in and out let's do this. I walk out and walk to Dumbledores classroom. I knock and a younger Dumbledore opens the door.

I smile and start "hello sir, I've come a long way. May we talk privately in your office. this is very important and about the future.

He looks confused but I mean I would be to if a student came knocking at this time. He sits and he motions for me to do the same.

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