Another boring day

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Estrella POV:

I wake up and wonder where I am. It all comes back to me, wools orphanage. This sucks but I guess I can't complain, I've only been here for a day and other kids have been here their whole lives.

I start thinking about yesterday, I giggle a bit thinking about how funny Tom looked searching for me. He kept spinning his head around and it was hilarious watching him do that. Normally he's composed and not looking around like a mad man.

It was very amusing seeing him sprint out of the cafeteria looking for me. His head is a very odd place, on the outside he's calm and collected but some of his thoughts are dark or depressing.

I kind of feel bad, if I was home and wasn't actually here. I probably would of laughed and made a comment about how dumb the dark lord looked in that moment.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm in a movie but I can control most of what happens. That terrifies me and also excites me.

I could mess everything up or something could go wrong. I guess we can just wing it, it's not like the whole Wizarding World rests on my shoulders or anything.

I really wish I had a guide or something, ya know like in the fan fictions where they get reincarnated and have someone help them.

I have dumbledore I guess, but he's always busy and he's kind of mad in the head, also he's really old.

I get up out of bed and brush my hair a bit, I change into a hoodie and leggings. I look around and wonder what to do today.

I could mess with Tom again, but he's smart so I can't keep doing that. I also feel bad for scaring him so I'll leave him be for a bit.

I skip breakfast and start practicing wand movements and learning more about the wizarding world, things that weren't in the movies.

I start thinking of the future and my plans.
I can't wait for second year, I can finally start talking to Tom and make changes. I've been on the sidelines far too long and I'm sooo bored.

I've been just sitting around not changing anything, that's boring. That's all going to change I'm going to fuck up the storyline even more.

Normally I would say, you only live once but that didn't happen for me. I'm not gonna waste this opportunity anymore.

I feel like I'm one of those girls in a fan fiction and they fall in love with him. That better not happen, if it does he better at least have a nose.

Can we talk about how he waited for school to be almost over before he attacked Harry. He's so considerate.

Also why wouldn't Voldemort just drink poly juice potion and pose as a student and then kill Harry.

He had to be complicated and get all the attention so he stormed Hogwarts, killed lots of people just to try and kill Harry and he ends up losing. That's embarrassing, I'm embarrassed for him.

It's really sad to be honest imagine being a powerful wizard and you die from a baby then you die from a kid.

His name is also embarrassing like how the hell did he come up with Voldemort. He probably wanted a badass name and apparently Voldemort was good enough or he was too lazy.

I wanna know why he thought Voldemort would be a good name. If I heard that name I would burst out laughing.

I would also like to fix his ability to name things, because he sucks at that. The nicknames people made for him were amazing.

Also when the hell does he meet Nagini? I never really found that out I guess we will just wait till he gets a pet snake and see if it's her.

I'm starving I might as well go out to get some food, I'm trying to not risk Tom seeing me at all until next year. He hasn't ever seen me before so he might get suspicious unless I can blend in.

I go downstairs for lunch and look around in disgust when I see everyone in the hall eating. The kids are running around, screaming, jumping and are just annoying.

If you couldn't tell already, I hate children. Why even have kids at all? If your lonely or bored get a pet! Kids just waste your money and are loud and annoying.

I walk in line to get some of their nasty, cheap and probably fake food. I look and see what they have as options.

I see some kind of soup, I have no idea what's in that but it's giving off an odd smell. I skip over that trying not to get poisoned. I look around for the most normal looking item.

I see sandwiches that have bologna, cheese and mayonnaise on it. I grab one of those and a chocolate milk that's probably outdated. I grab a slice of cheese cake and make my way back to my room.

I quickly skim over the tables seeing if Riddle is here. I see him in the corner of the hall glaring at kids who are laughing. I don't really blame him I would be doing the same.

I walk out of the hall and up the stairs to my room, I'd you could even call it a bedroom. This place isn't my home, it doesn't feel like home. I'm supposed to feel safe, welcomed and happy at a home. I feel none of those here my bedroom feels just like a storage space or a room that isn't mine.

I shut the old brown door that looks like it could break apart any second. I walk across the wooden floor and hear creaking sounds every time I step on the floorboards.

I sit down on my lumpy old bed and sigh. I eat a few bites of my horrible tasting sandwich and get my book from my trunk.

I start reading about Divinity and making Prophecies. Some kids thing it's fake but at this point I would believe anything. I mean I'm not even from this reality, all the characters here are supposed to be fictional.

It interests me how Prophecies are made and if they are even real. The one Trelawney made was just thrown out there. Some prophecy's could be fake or just not important.

I wish I could do magic outside of school it gets boring and I wanna learn more magic but I still have the trace. Maybe I could get a wand without a trace in knockturn alley or learn wand-less magic. That will come in handy eventually and to protect myself.

I probably should of learned wandless magic already with dumbledore but it slipped my mind.

I think I'll go and get my school supplies in a few days. I wanna be prepared and I can start early on reading the textbooks.

I can also train and practice spells when I get my new wand in knockturn alley. I'll be needing to blend in so I don't get attacked like Harry did in second year.

I put my divinity book down and turn off my lights. I hop in bed and try to get some sleep for tomorrow's adventures.


Hello people it's the author I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for the support on my books! I've come a long way at least to me, I'm very surprised people actually like these books. When I first was thinking of making books for people to read I only thought I was going to get a few reads. Thank you guys for waiting for me and I'm back now! I'll be updating my books more frequently so look out for that. Have a good morning, afternoon, evening or night!

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