Wools Orphanage

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(No warnings In this chapter)


I walk onto the train and find an empty compartment and lock the door and sit down.

I open a book about second year level spells and start learning them. I eventually drift off to another dreamless and meaningless dream.

I wake up and get off the train, I grab my trunk and take my time getting to the orphanage.

I finally arrive and come to a stop. I look at the building, deep in thought. I hate this place so much, I hate coming here. I hate the kids, I hate the people all of them.

While I'm thinking I feel poking coming from my head. What Is that? Maybe I'm just imagining things.

I wish I was still at Hogwarts, It's more like home than this dump will ever be.

I then hear someone's voice but It's coming from in my head. The angelic like voice says "I'll save you soon, Tom Riddle. Then you will never be alone again."

I look around who said that? Why should I get to be saved? I'm not worth saving. Who even said that?

I look around again and search the windows, I see a shadow. It was only for a second but Its gone now.

I'm just imagining things again. Stop It Tom! No one's gonna save you okay. You were put In the orphanage because your parents probably didn't want you. No one wants you and you won't be getting saved. Your a monster, you deserve the pain.

I sigh my thoughts are always like that. I have no friends, no family no one, sometimes I think maybe I'm cursed. I was born to become a monster and be alone.

I walk inside and see Ms. Cole, she seems to be looking at paperwork of someone. I go to her desk and clear my throat.

She looks up and doesn't look surprised to see me. I say "Hello, Ms. Cole, I'm just letting you know Im back for the summer, Good day."

I walk off before she can get a word In, I really hate her. I go up the stairs and to my bedroom.

I shut the door and lock It tightly, I set down my trunk with a few of my items In it. I wish I had a pet, I'm really lonely and I have no friends.

I grab another book about second year spells and read it until dinner. When I finish the book, I go to dinner.

As soon As I open the door I hear loud screams, laughing and talking. I get In line and grab the usual food and sit at my regular table away from everyone else.

As I'm eating my thoughts drift back to the voice I heard earlier. If It was real who was the person? Why would they help me?

As I'm deep In thought I hear footsteps coming closer to me. I break out of my thoughts and start opening my mouth to tell them to go away.

As I'm about to speak the person sets down three cookies and walks swiftly away. I look down at the table and see a note I open It and It reads "This place sucks Tom, but don't worry I'll get you out soon, goodnight Tom remember your not alone."

Who would ever try to help me, was it that same person who was watching me earlier?

I don't need saving and I can't be saved, I'm a monster. I quickly get out of my thoughts and try to find the hooded figure.

I don't see the person anywhere, damn it. I take the cookies and basically speed out of there.

So many thoughts are going through my mind while I'm walking to my room.

Why would someone help me? What do they know and how long have they been watching me? They could be anywhere or anyone.

I'm getting paranoid, get it together Tom. Don't be weak and pathetic like the muggles here.

I open my door and quickly shut and lock it. I put the cookies on the dresser and sit on my bed. I think back to the note, the person, the talking in my mind.

They have to be connected the writing looks unfamiliar, the voice I've never even heard before. They have to be a witch or wizard, why did they follow me here?

Why can't they just reveal themselves already? I can't be saved, I'm way past broken. I get bullied everyday here for being different, in school I'm an outcast.

This isn't fair, why am I the one who's always treated unfairly? Why am I the one who always gets left? Why didn't my parents want me? Why wasn't I enough for them?

I grip my sheets tightly and clench my jaw. I hate them, why didn't they want me. Were they ashamed of having a son who's a wizard?

I'll make them rethink that decision, I'll be a great wizard. I won't let them control my life any longer.

I get up and change into pajamas, I get into bed and fall asleep quickly, dreaming of nothing.


Hey guys it's the author, I'm really sorry I haven't been updating. I just came back from California and I'm trying to get a schedule going so I have time to update my two books, this one and my other one about Jasper Hale. I'll try to update more it's been really hard with school, trying to upload YouTube videos to my channel and come up with things for my books.

It's also hard to write about little Tom Riddle, we didn't see much of him in the movies. I'm trying to make it work as best as I can do right now.

He's at the stage where he'a starting to get angry at his parents for leaving him since he doesn't know he truth. He also is starting to want to prove to them that he will be a great wizard. He didn't say anything about being the best yet, so he just wants to be great for now.

Let me know how you feel about his POV I'm not really sure about this chapter. It's hard to portray him and how he feels, so there won't be much Tom POVS for now. Thank you have a good day ppl.

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