Diagon Alley

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(Warnings in this chapter: NONE)

I wake up and don't feel my hard mattress. I had a very good dream I was away from my dad and I was finally happy. I met Dumbledore and he gave me a mission, well It was a good dream while It lasted.

I adjust to the light coming from the window and see the red gryffindor colors. It wasn't a dream, I'm glad I'm finally away from him and I can finally live.

I get off my bed and I see a pile of clothes on the nightstand and a note. I pick up the note It reads "I thought you might need a few pairs of clothes from your world. -Dumbledore" I smile at the gesture and put the note back down.

I pick up the clothes and decide to put these ones on. (If you don't like them you may change them to your liking)

I get ready and put my hair In two braids that reach to my a little above my thighs. I look at the time, It's only 9am I have plenty of time to research and learn things that weren't in the movie.

After a few hours of learning different things about this world I hear someone open the painting. I look up and see Dumbledore standing there.

I put my book away and stand up and join him I smile slightly and thank him for the clothes. "Thank you sir for the clothes and for doing this you font have to."

He also smiles and replies "It's the least I can do for you, now let's get going to Diagon Alley lots to do today. Were going to be apparating there and back so hold on and don't let go."

He holds out his hand for me to take and I do. It feels like I'm getting sucked In a tube, It's a little bit dizzy. We finally arrive and I fall to the ground.

After a few moments I get up and look around we are at the Leaky Cauldron. I look confused couldn't he just apparate us inside Diagon Alley?

I look up to Dumbledore and ask him "um sir couldn't we just apparate inside Diagon Alley?" He looks to me and smiles kindly and replies saying "yes we could of but I wanted you to get be able to see It like this. It's way more magical this way come on."

He starts to walk out of the building and we stop at the brick wall. Here It is the moment I've been waiting for. Dumbledore taps the pattern on the wall and It opens to reveal Diagon Alley.

Woah It looks just like the movies but a little better In real life. It's huge and theres so many people here and look at the shops! I'm in awe I don't even realize Dumbledore started walking until I snap out of it.

I quickly follow him and we go to Madam Malkins Robes For All Occasions. We go inside and the lady tells me to stand on the stool to get my measurements.

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