Training With Dumbles

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I wake up and throw on a random hoodie and pants. I eat a quick breakfast and study the history of Hogwarts while waiting for training with Dumbledore.

I'm nerves and excited how many people could say they trained with Dumbledore. He's a great sorcerer and wizard, the spells he cast are really impressive. I have to be good at dueling and spells to make my task easier.

I also need to learn legilimency and occlumency, Tom Riddle will know It eventually and I can't risk him prying into my head, That would be bad.

When It's time I walk to Dumbledore's office and guess the password. He never tells me It, probably finds It hilarious making me guess It.

I start guessing password. "Lemon drops, chocolate frogs, sherbert lemon, fizzing whizzbees, cauldron cakes, umm Bertie botts." It opens on the last one and I walk in.

I see Dumbledore sitting at his desk waiting for me. When he looks up and sees me he says "are you ready for training? It will be hard but I picked you for a reason." I sigh this Is it go big or go home and I kinda can't go home.

I nod and he stands up, he pulls his wand out. He motions for me to do the same, I pull my wand out and get ready.

He starts "Okay now, first spell is wingardium leviosa, swish and flick." He does the spell and makes the feathers fly and go back down.

Okay you can do this Estrella, remember how Hermione did it in the movie. Just relax and think of what you want It to do that helps.

I start "wingardium leviosa" the feather twitches then stops ok try again. "Wingardium leviosa" this time It works and floats really high. I beam this feels amazing, I finally feel alive I did it.

Dumbledore claps and smiles I float the feather back down. He says "wow great job, you got it on the second try I expect great things from you, very great things. Now let's try lumos and nox."

He gets his wand ready and does the incantation. His wand turns into a flashlight then it turns off.

I then say "lumos" my wand gives a small light, I try again. "Lumos" then the light becomes brighter I then try nox. I say "nox" the light automatically turns off. I smile I love my wand.

Dumbledore then teaches me a few more spells and I get them all In a few minutes. When I'm alone he wants me to practice the spells to make them stronger.

I have to train with him 3 days every week then 2 days I self teach In my library then the other 2 days I do potions with snape.

I haven't met snape yet but It will probably be time filled with him being dramatic and making fun of me for doing something wrong.

Yay because that's how I would love to spend my weekends. Like I know Lily didn't love you back and all but that doesn't mean you have to be a git the rest of your life.

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