Summer Finally

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(No warnings in this chapter)

I get up and rub my eyes, I look at the date and realize today Is the day we all leave for summer.

I sigh and get ready, I put my hair in two braids and put on a sweater, leggings and boots. I pack the rest of my trunk and grab Elara, my owl and put her in her cage.

I start thinking of what my summer would be like here, probably boring and dull. I have to stay at wools orphanage with Tom, he doesn't know I'm going there. I'm not gonna let him find out, I guess If he does find out oh well. I'm not gonna socialize with him though, not yet. Later in the year I will get his attention and then finally start my mission.

I wonder how the children will be, In the movies they hardly showed little Tom Riddle but I know they were prats to him for being different. Then the orphanage lady I think her name was Ms. Cole but Im not one hundred percent sure.

I make my way down to the train and find an empty compartment, I lock the door, shut the blinds and sit down. I get out a book I've been reading called "fantastic beasts and where to find them."

I fall asleep and wake up to the conductor speaking over the speaker saying "we have now arrived at platform 9/3 quarters. Please watch your step and grab your luggage. We will see you next year, goodbye.

I get out of the compartment and make my way off the train.i grab my luggage and apparate in front of wools orphanage. I love apparating it makes things so much easier, Dumbledore taught me before I started my mission.

I look around and make sure no one saw me and walk inside. The building is made of bricks and looks like It's falling apart, some windows are broken and It looks old. It's an orphanage so I guess It's supposed to look like this.

I look at the desk and wait for the lady to arrive. I finally see her, she looks exactly like the women at the orphanage In the movies.

She looks surprised to see me here earlier. I told her I leave Hogwarts tommorow just so she wouldn't pick me up. I don't wanna be seen with her especially If Tom Riddle saw her and recognized her.

I smile a bit bitterly and say "hello, I'm
Estrella Vixen. I'm here to stay at the orphanage we talked a bit before. I was at Hogwarts and summer has finally started."

She realizes who I am and replies "Oh of course I thought you were coming tomorrow. I would of picked you up from the train station." She looks a bit confused as why I told her the wrong day.

I keep my smile on my face trying to seem innocent I say "I'm so sorry I got the day wrong, I thought It was tomorrow." I try to sound sincere and totally opposite from Tom. I also really need her to just show me my room before Tom comes.

She looks relieved for some reason and then she shows me to my room. She smiles and says "here you are, If you need something let me know dear." She walks off.

I shut the door and sigh in relief, I hate people. I look around and see the same room as Tom Riddle had In the movie.

I put my stuff down and open my trunk

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I put my stuff down and open my trunk. I organize my stuff and clothes which isn't much. I open Elara's cage and let her out. I kinda get lonely I wish I picked another pet now.

Maybe I can get one If I go to Diagon Alley soon, I need my second year books and robes so I'll maybe get one then.

I look out the window and see Tom Riddle. He looks annoyed, disgusted and angry. On the outside he looks his normal blank expressionless mask. I've been reading him all year so I can tell his emotions and what's fake and not. Which is really good he can manipulate anyone easily and I won't be getting played for a fool.

I'm still mastering my Legilimency, I've been getting very good at Occlumency too. I've never practiced on a student before but I should start, and who better to try it on then Tom.

I focus and say under my breathe with my wand pointing at him. "Legilimens." It takes a few minutes then I think It doesn't work. Then after a few minutes It works, I get inside his head.

I see through his eyes, his memories. I see everything he has seen. Wow I feel the things even he felt It's weird, he hardly ever Is happy In the memories. I will change that don't worry Tom Riddle I'll save you.

While I'm in his head I think he can feel something off but doesn't know what It Is. I focus on his thoughts and then I can hear him.

He's looking at the building in discust and thinks "I hate this place, why did I have to be left here. Soon I'll be gone again for Hogwarts, It feels more like home then this dump."

He sighs and starts walking In, quickly before the connection breaks I say In his head to him this. "I'll save you soon, Tom Riddle. I'll help you and you will never be alone again."

He stops walking looking around confused. I say one more thing before get out of his mind and smile even though he can't see me. I say In his mind to him "I'll be here soon, Tom and you will never feel like this again. You will never see this filthy orphanage either. Until then my pequeña serpiente."

I laugh at his expressions and duck when he looks my way. I giggle and go sit on my bed. I grab my book about dark arts and curses and read It. I need to learn all I can, especially the dark spells Dumbledore didn't show me.

Now that I'm thinking about Dumbledore he is really dumb. He didn't know me at all, I could of become evil. I could do anything I want he technically didn't tell me anything except to save Tom.

I have pretty much free reign to change anything I want. Which is a bit terrifying but cool at the same time, Tom Riddle could never. I also have a nose which is a plus and I have more power than he would ever have. Sucks to suck doesn't it voldy I could achieve way more than you at this age, I would even still have a nose and Dumbledore on my side.

With Dumbledore you either hate him or admire him, or in between the two. He makes bad decisions a lot and dumb ones, sometimes hes the good guy or hes the bad guy. He can be manipulative, dumb, smart and half the time senile. What I hate is he gives Harry Potter points for just existing. He killed quirl, oh let's give him points and praise him for it.

Anyway after my semi rant I finish my book and I learned a lot of new dark spells to try out sometime. I put the book away and feed Elara dinner.

I just remembered to go down for dinner, I sigh and throw a black hoodie on and pull the hood up. I really hope no one talks to me I'm not in the mood and I don't want the attention.

I go down to the hall and instantly I hear all the loud kids, I hate them all already. I look around for a table to sit at far away from them. Maybe I'll go eat In my room instead.

I get In line and grab the wrapped sandwich, apple, cookie and a chocolate milk. I look to see if anyone's looking and quickly steal 6 extra cookies.

I get out of line and look for Tom Riddle, I see him at a table all the way to the left near the door, away from everyone. He's trying to eat quickly to go back to his room. This food doesn't really fill anyone so I stole some cookies and I'm gonna give him three.

I make sure my hood is all the way up so he can't tell who It Is, then I write a quick note saying "This place sucks Tom, but don't worry I'll get you out soon, goodnight Tom remember your not alone."

I speed walk up to him and drop three cookies and the note and walk away before he can see who I am. I race back to my room and get ready for bed.

I get In bed and fall asleep quickly and hope for a good summer and for school to start quickly.

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