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What's happening? Mew questioned internally. And then...who cares?

He could feel himself being pulled towards the other man, nature taking powerful grip, the alpha rising. Knowing (following the earlier incident in the hall) that this man must be an omega, he could reason that - like himself - he must be taking scent suppressants and cycle blockers since they couldn't smell one another. But even without the scent, his heart had slowed instantly to a mating beat, and his feet were moving forwards uncommanded.

Within seconds, eyes never leaving each other's, the men were face to face, noses centimetres apart.

"What's your name, nong?" Mew asked in a low voice.

"Gulf", the younger man answered, leaving aside any courteous manner or etiquette.

"Ok Gulf, I'm Mew", the elder responded, still low and steady.

Then, without warning, Mew reached down and grasped one of Gulf's hands, raising it up between them. Using his remaining free hand, he worked to release each finger, one by one from the clenched fist. Once all were straight, he moved his lips - eyes half closed - to brush against the marked palm.

Suddenly Gulf snatched his hand away. He stepped backwards. Swore under his breath. Then stepped forwards again.

Reaching both hands out to pull Mew's face closer, Gulf pressed his mouth to Mew's. He pressed it hard, pushing forwards forcefully. It wasn't a kiss, as such, more a meeting of mouths, an acquaintance of lips.

As Gulf gradually relaxed his grip, Mew opened his lips to allow their mouths to merge more deeply. Soon their tongues found each other and were pushing up against the other, twisting and lapping, chasing. Both men instinctively tilted their heads to a deeper angle in order to maximise access to the other's mouth, and as the kiss got wetter and became more urgent, the night air of the car park was once again disturbed by noise. However this time it was not sounds of rage but of desire, and the clattering bin lid was replaced by the wanton moans of two young men who had just met, but would have a long story to tell.

Ebb and Flow - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now