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Min gave Mew a brief, warm hug before introducing herself and wai-ing politely to Gulf.

"Ok, first things first, with my doctor's hat on, are you both ok as of now, or are you in any physical pain?" - she was smart and efficient.

Apart from the ache for skin contact, which was slowly returning, both men answered that they were ok.

Min settled at the table - gesturing them to sit opposite her - and pulled a notepad, file and pen from the outer compartment of her briefcase.

"I need you to tell me everything that has happened between you from the first moment of meeting. It's important that you include how you felt along the way. Also - please don't feel embarrassed about this, I'm a doctor and this is my job - but I need you to include all details of your sexual encounters, whatever they have been. This is the only way for me to get a clear picture of what our situation is and how to move forwards".

When Min had relayed her instructions, the two men nodded, and the exchange began, their relations laid out bare. First meeting, wild passion, aching separation anxiety, magnetic pull, overwhelming scents, tender care, and all that lay beneath the surface.

Min scribbled busily on her notepad throughout, but on hearing Mew's description of their 'non bite' and the conversation that took place in the bedroom afterwards, she laid her pen down, eyes wide.

"What's wrong?" Gulf asked bluntly, unsettled by her reaction.

"It's just...a very unusual situation" Min was choosing her words carefully. "Mew you were correct in what you said to me on the phone - the urge to bite happened because your alpha and omega hearts had chosen each other. The heart drums beating when you first met, the need for skinship and the build up of scent chemicals - it's all very typical of a pair finding and claiming their mate, albeit your process was hugely accelerated in the sense that it tends to happen after months, if not years, of dating".

Mew was acutely aware of Gulf straightening up and crossing his arms tightly at the word 'mate'.

"Your suppressants are wearing off too quickly, being overridden, because of the powerful attraction between you. When one finds a mate, the medication dosage has to be increased when first sexual contact is made, at least for the first few months as you adjust to each other's pheromones and touch. The same goes for cycle blockers - the dose must be increased or you will fall into heat and rut spontaneously".

"But you said that something is unusual...?", prompted Mew.

"Yes, it's extremely unusual. It's actually the first time I've come across this in my professional career - though I have seen case studies in medical journals over the years. The issue is that you've drawn a line between your alpha and omega hearts, and your own human heart..."

"I don't understand, what do you mean Phi?" said Gulf, a pit of fear growing in his stomach.

"Well, when the urge to bite came, you should not have been able to resist it"

"So you're saying we didn't really want to?" Mew probed.

"Not exactly. It's, um, a little difficult to explain as I know you've not known each other for very long. I don't know if you're ready to hear it..." Min trailed off, struggling to meet anyone's eyes.

"Tell us", Gulf spoke loudly, almost aggressively.

Nodding, Min continued on...

"Your A/O hearts wanted to bite but your human hearts refused to hurt the other or take away their right to choose freely. You went completely against nature. The fact that you were able to withstand the pain and then even talk to one other and hug, is just....Put simply, your human feelings are even deeper. They've outgrown even the bond of a mate"

"Feelings...?" - Gulf

"It's called pure love", said Min, finally meeting his eyes.

Ebb and Flow - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now