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Warning: mature content!

"What if we don't take suppressants? What if we let this take its course tonight?" Gulf's voice was thick, heady.

Struggling to adjust to the scene before him, Mew grasped desperately for any rational thought.

"Is that what you want nong? I don't know what will happen. I've never gone cold turkey on suppressants in a 'romantic' situation"

"Yes. Want" Gulf answered with urgency, having already moved to restore skin contact with Mew. He was licking his neck, stimulating the scent gland, dragging his nails down the back of the alpha.

"I want you" said the two voices in unison. Speaking as two but feeling as one.

And then Gulf peeled away his wet clothes and Mew discarded his towel, and they were naked. Embracing one another tightly, skin pressed against skin, faces buried in each other's necks, sniffing and licking and nibbling.Their hands found each other's cocks and began to massage and stroke rhythmically. Sensing that they may not have much time - Gulf was already whining and pleading - Mew backed them into the bedroom, where he reached for lube and a condom from a drawer.

Mew moved to squeeze Gulf's ass cheek roughly with one hand, while inserting the first lubricated finger of the other into his passage. Gasping at the slick wetness of the younger man, Mew was quickly able to insert a second finger, and then a third, alternately scissoring and pressing his prostate until Gulf was gyrating and bucking in euphoria.

"Soooo fucking gooood. Shiiaaa. Don', stop! Stop! I'm too close", Gulf panted out.

Then Mew was rushing to roll on the condom, as Gulf was pushing him back onto the edge of the bed, feet touching the floor. The omega straddled the alpha and lined Mew's cock up against his own entrance, then seated himself on it in one powerful movement.

"Aaarrrgghh", their strangled cries echoed around the room. Gulf burning and Mew constricted, but both seeing beautiful stars.

After allowing his internal muscles to relax and accept the other - cheeks puffed out with air and full concentration - Gulf slowly began to rock his hips, and then bounce.

Mew looked up at him, looked up at Gulf riding his cock with cheeks flushed fuchsia and ears tinged crimson. He watched as the younger man bit down on his own lip to stifle his rising moans of pleasure, noticed how he scrunched his nose and frowned in need at the pressure building in his groin.

"You're so beautiful. You're...the most...beautiful thing I've...ever seen", Mew groaned out.

Gulf's eyes met his and he whined at the words of praise, revelling in their effect. Waves of cherry blossom rolled across the room - pink petals swirling around the lovers on the bed in a floral tornado.

Suddenly, Mew couldn't hold back any longer. Senses overloaded, he pulled Gulf down towards him for a messy, wet kiss - tasting sweet, juicy cherries - before taking a firm grasp of his hips and holding them in place as he fucked him hard from below.

Thrust, thrust, thrust, drove Mew, grunting and growling as his need became animalistic. Faster, faster, until Gulf was shouting out his name, unashamedly, calling his name only, as he unravelled and came hard, shooting reams of cum across Mew's chest and face, decorating the bed sheets.

And Mew released too, witnessing the omega's exquisite climax, hearing his own name on those lips. He filled the condom, deep inside Gulf, and pulled the younger man's body down onto his chest to embrace and kiss, shining with the sweat of joyous lovemaking.

Suddenly the two men sprang apart as if thrown by a rogue electrical current. Gulf landed on the floor and scrambled backwards, while Mew cowered, clutching at his mouth in agony. Their teeth were vibrating with an indescribable pain. Leaping from the messy bed, Mew sprinted to the bathroom in search of the small bottle of scent suppressant pills.

They had wanted to bite, wanted to mark and claim each other. The alpha and the omega hearts had chosen their mate.

Ebb and Flow - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now