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Warning: mature content!

Suddenly Mew was inside him, filling him, completing him. Gulf was in ecstasy, free falling, scrabbling at the bricks of the wall with his long fingers, desperately needing something - anything - to hold on to. Muscular arms appeared from behind him, hooking under his armpits and bending back over each shoulder to support him to stay upright. Gulf sank back into those arms, to that feeling of being held by something bigger than himself.

Mew's cock thrust into him - again, again - driving hard and deep, sparking those internal nerves.
The omega was losing control, writhing and whining, cheeks flushed and eyes desperate.

Waves of cherry blossom seemed to cloy the dusty city air. He wanted to say something, wanted to tell Mew that he was close, but could only fall back into those arms as strings of precum leaked incessantly to the floor from his throbbing cock.

"Aaahhhhgggg" Gulf wailed as Mew groaned and thrust yet harder, angling his hips to piston upwards into Gulf, joining their bodies in the deepest way.

Gulf's hole was pulsing erratically, his legs were giving way, his cheek grazing harshly against the bricks.  And then he was coming, spurting reams of hot, white ejaculation as he cried out over and over - as if howling to the moon.

Holding the trembling, spent omega in his arms, Mew needed only three more thrusts to join him as he quickly pulled out and stroked his own release, covering Gulf's ass like an abstract paint canvas.

The entire encounter had lasted no more than ten minutes, and as both men stumbled to adjust their clothing and lean back against the wall, their breaths gasped out hard and fast, struggling to regulate. Neither spoke - perhaps they couldn't steady their voices or perhaps it was that they couldn't find the words. But, as their breathing finally began to quiet, Mew reached across to take Gulf's hand and guide it up onto his own chest, resting it atop the heart.

"Gulf", Mew said, that's all. As the other felt that pounding aortic bass through his fingertips. Du- dum...du-dum...du-dum, called Mew's alpha heart, the scent of the pine forest strengthening with each beat.

The spell was broken by the sound of loud applause and cheering from within the building. The event was drawing to a close.

Making a sudden decision, Gulf pulled the packet of cigarettes from his pocket, along with a pen. He scribbled something hurriedly onto the carton before thrusting it at Mew and turning to leave.

"Wait! Your cigarettes!" Mew called out - then thought, why that? Isn't there much more to be said?

"I don't smoke", Gulf retorted without turning, rounding the corner swiftly and heading in the direction of bus routes back into Bangkok.

Mew was alone in the car park, as though everything that had passed had been a dream. Shaking his head in disbelief at the evening's events, he looked down at the cigarette packet.
There, in Gulf's scrawled handwriting, he saw the words: 'Thank you P'Mew', and a series of digits. His phone number.

Ebb and Flow - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now