Twenty eight

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Warning: mature content!

Talk of love and singing of the sweetest songs had eventually - inevitably - led the two men to the bedroom. Well, it was their physical relationship that had bloomed first and those fires showed no signs of cooling.

After all of the kissing and touching, rubbing, grinding and moaning, they had reached the point at which Mew reached for a condom.

Hesitating, he looked down at Gulf on the bed below him, legs bent and open widest with Mew kneeling between them. The younger man's cock was rigidly stiff, nestled up against his lower abdomen as precum leaked out towards his belly button. His hands were on his own nipples, tweaking and pulling, and his neck glowing with the saliva and fierce love bites of his lover's mouth.
Gulf was whining and rotating his hips desperately, seeking any kind of friction and mewling in frustration when he found none.

"P'Mewwww, come onnnn. Do me now, I need you. Fuck me, please Phi, please", he pleaded openly.

"Aiii, Gulf, do you know what it does to me when you talk like this?" - Mew's voice was breathy and thick with desire. "You're so responsive to me, so's beautiful to watch you come undone".

Their words were serving only to heat them further. Then...

"Don't worry, I will give it to you soon. But I need to say something first" - here he ran his fingers through his hair as if in self-encouragement, and rushed out: "You told me that you've been with both men and with women, so obviously that means you must also like to be on top in the bedroom...but when we're together you have always bottomed without questioning. To be honest, I've only ever been a top but...I just wanted to say that if that's something that's important to you then I would always be willing to try, for you".

He would do it, he really meant it. Gulf had shown him new levels of sexual expression and versatility, and he felt he had to vow that he would give that back to him in any way he wanted. An alpha didn't have to top an omega, not in this household.

Gulf raised his hand to his alpha's face to rub a thumb across his cheek, marvelling inwardly at the kindness of his partner - and the trust he gave to him.

"Ugh" (nod), "Thank you, my modern alpha" he teased. "Look, I don't know what may happen in the future, maybe we will want to explore a little, but for now...I am just totally obsessed with being filled up by your cock any time that I can. The only 'top' that I want to be to you is the kind that straddles your lap and rides you till you cum. Now, fuck me...hard!".

And with that understanding, neither could hold back any longer.

Grasping Gulf's thighs - either side of his own hips - Mew, condom quickly worn, pushed slowly, painstakingly, into Gulf's tight, prepped hole.

"Ahhhh" - the sound came from both men.

Mew stopped still upon reaching the hilt - eyes squeezed shut with the level of concentration required to restrain himself.

Then - raising both legs to rest his ankles on Mew's shoulders, Gulf gave the command... "Move".

And move, he did. It wasn't fast this time. It was deep, tantalising and meaningful. Each thrust went all the way in and pulled all the way out, drawing high pitched sounds of appreciation from Gulf. The omega loved the fullness and the dizzying brushes against his inner bundle of nerves, and he loved the sudden, hollow emptiness - knowing that he was about to be completed once again. He just loved it all. Everything that Mew did to him. He just loved Mew.

The realisation hit Gulf hard. Clarity. It was a strange moment to finally understand himself, but in some way very apt. He was a physical being, after all.

"I love you too", he cried out, blunt as ever.

And Mew sank into his partners arms, kissing him anywhere he could reach, as tears filled his eyes.

"Please, let's be together" - Mew

"Always" - Gulf

The faens held one another close, foreheads and noses pressed up against each other, eyes staring wide into their other's soul, and made love, breathing and gasping into each other's mouths until their cocks twitched and danced, eyes rolled back in ecstasy, and waves of slowly-built, cascading, intense orgasms filled their world with clouds of pine and cherry blossom.

Their story had not been a simple one. Even pure love could be messy and dangerous it seemed. But from the first moment until the present one - lying laughing and spent in one another's arms - it had been a story of beautiful momentum. And it was a story that had only just begun...

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