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"I'm sorry, na, I was just trying to help!" Jom pleaded, linking her arm into Mew's and resting her head against his arm.

"When I saw the cigarettes I just thought, mae is going to kill him, you know how much she hates smoking, she thinks it's so 'common'. Honestly, I didn't know there was a message on there or something. What's this all about Mewmew?"

Mew sighed, he didn't know how to explain, and at that moment was feeling...panic?... at the thought that he might not be able to find Gulf again. He needed a plan of action.

"It's ok Jom, don't overthink. I will sort it out", he finally replied, before kissing his younger sister on the crown of her silky black hair and striding out of the cathedral-like conservatory.


The next day, Mew found himself in the bustling offices of one of Bangkok's premier hospitality agencies.

"No" he repeated a little impatiently, "I don't know his given name or surname, only that he's called Gulf. But I'm certain he works for you, it was only yourselves and one other agency that staffed our fundraiser event and he was wearing your uniform".

The personnel manager squirmed behind her desk, eyes shifting from Mew to her computer screen and back again. Looking to be in her early 20s, she would not have expected to be met in her office by Mew Suppasit from Wings of Jongcheveevat when she arrived back from her lunch break that afternoon, and much less to be asked to break her own company's data protection guidelines.

Softening at this thought, Mew relaxed his face to give her an encouraging smile...

"Please help me. You won't get into any trouble, I promise. I just need his contact details so I can return something to him. It's really important - I would be so grateful".

Mew's warmth and the kindness in his crescent eyes as he smiled was difficult to ignore. It was part of his charm as a business man - he was hard to refuse - but not through any deceptive flattery or slippery intentions, more because he was just somebody who was very easy to trust and you sensed that he wouldn't betray that trust.
And indeed, soon afterwards Mew was exiting the office complex with a scribbled note in his hand. It read:

Gulf Kanawut Traipipattanapong
Faculty of Business
BKK Central University

The personnel manager had compromised. Whilst she couldn't give out an employee's personal address or phone number, she didn't see any great harm in providing their name and place of study. Hence the information that Mew was now privy to.
He felt like he had a little piece of the world in his hands.

"Gulf Kanawut Traipipattanapong", he said out loud to no one but himself. The name danced along his tongue and bounced off of his lips, happy to be known. Happy to be known by Mew.

Climbing onto the back seat of the plush company car, Mew nodded in greeting to the chauffeur before relaying his instructions:

"BKK Central University, please. The Business Faculty".

Ebb and Flow - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now