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Warning: Mature content!

He is so beautiful - his soul is so beautiful. The thought came to both men simultaneously, though neither knew it of the other.

For Gulf, it was the only clear thought at that moment. Everything else was a blur, a haze, as his senses overloaded. His feelings of bitter anger just minutes earlier, had evolved into sudden and overwhelming fire. Not just in his groin but all over - all over his body.

Passion and arousal were some of the few feelings that Gulf had always felt comfortable with. Whether with a male or a female partner (but always a casual one), he revelled in the power that his enigmatic beauty gave him. It was a feeling of control that he rarely had elsewhere in his life. So he had long mastered the art of fucking into oblivion. Feeling nothing.

But right now, in the dark of the car park and pressed up against this other body - a body that he seemed magnetically drawn to - Gulf didn't feel like that one bit. Despite the fact that he stood a couple of centimetres taller than Mew in reality, Gulf felt inexplicably small, indescribably vulnerable. He hated it - every fibre of his being was screaming 'punch him, push him, don't let him see you', yet he loved it. He loved it so much, his whole body trembling with electrical currents of need and want.

They kissed and kissed and kissed, biting one another's swollen lips, tasting the metallic reward of the other's blood, sucking and devouring, hands pinching and scratching at each other's faces. With chests pressed flat against each other and erections pushing and grinding through unwelcome material, they breathed and panted and groaned into the other's mouth.

Quickly, the intense arousal and their proximity to each other's scent glands overwhelmed the work of the scent suppressants. Pheromones released, dancing together as they met in the moans of the air, the alpha's woody pine forest and the omega's sweet cherry blossom. Had these scents ever held hands before? Their perfume twisted and subsumed to become something new and...intoxicating.

"Ahhhh", they rubbed their noses into the neck of the other, inhaling the foreign scent that was both new yet impossibly familiar. "Ahhhh". Would this moment ever end? It felt to them like here and now was the whole world, dizzily spinning on axis, faster and faster until they would explode, scattering trillions of jagged, glittering shards of themselves out into the universe...just to 'be', just to float, heavenly.

Dragging himself away from Mew's neck, Gulf took decisive action, pulling the elder by his shirt to spin him roughly back against the wall. In Mew's expressive eyes he saw that lust was accompanied by fleeting amusement and - was that admiration? He didn't stop to wonder, as he pushed his straining cock up against Mew's muscular thigh, rubbing and grinding himself shamelessly as he sang out his desires.

Reaching his hands to knead Mew's chest, Gulf fumbled with the top button of his expensive-feeling shirt before muttering "Shia" in frustration, and impatiently ripping the garment open. Buttons flew off in all directions while Gulf paused to let his eyes rove appreciatively over Mew's light honeyed skin, and the pronounced but languid muscles that lay sculpted beneath.

Then his hands were stroking - Mew gasping at the skin contact - caressing the contours of that chest, the abdomen, the hips as they arrowed down towards the taut groin. The thought tiptoed into Gulf's mind, through the haze, that he wanted to lay his head against that body and wrap the strong arms around himself tightly, enveloping him, holding him.

But - no - instead he moved his mouth to the closest bud on the chest in front of him, and he reached out the very tip of his tongue to tease it with his wetness. Groaning a soft "Aiieee" as his nipple hardened at the delicate touch, Mew tilted his chin downwards to watch Gulf on his chest. At the same moment, the younger raised his eyes to seek out Mew. Eyes locked, emotions rocketing, and suddenly Gulf was teetering too high.

Clutching both of Mew's hands and pulling them around to cover his ass cheeks, Gulf pushed them upwards to tighten the grip, before bringing his face closer to Mew's, looking out through long eyelashes to breathe: "Aow di".

Ebb and Flow - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now