Twenty seven

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They hugged for what seemed like hours, half sitting and half lying on the doormat in the hallway. Two pieces of a universe's puzzle, clicked back together.

And then they brought their lips together in the softest of kisses, each caressing the other's face before leaning their foreheads to rest together, eyes closed in joyous exaltation.

As the shadows in the outside world grew longer and the 'night lights' of the building's public spaces flicked on, Mew took Gulf's hand and - fingers entwined - led him into the condo.

Once inside, the elder man took charge in his way: Carefully removing Gulf's denim jacket, undressing him and leading him to the shower, soaping his skin clean and loosening his natural muscles with gentle massage as the water fell warm, comforting, just right.

After showering, Mew helped Gulf to put on fresh clothes - loose grey sweatpants and a Doraemon T-shirt - then plugged in a hairdryer and watched as the hot air blasted the younger man's hair, causing it to fluff endearingly. 'Nalak nalak, Nong Gulf', Mew smiled inwardly.

They ordered fried chicken and lay on the large corner sofa together to eat - Mew propped up against the back cushions, resting on the vertical arm, and Gulf's head on his lap as he stretched out horizontally. Two sides of a triangle. Every second bite, Mew gave to Gulf, holding the food to the younger's mouth and delighting in the way he nibbled at it, blushing as he did.

When their stomachs were finally full, Gulf smiled up at Mew shyly as the older man stroked his hair. They had barely spoken a word since finding one another in the hallway, and there was so much that needed to be said.

So they started:

"I heard your song. I...thank you. You brought me back from a very dark place"

"I just wanted to reach out to you, to let you hear my heart Gulf. I know what P'Min told us that day was overwhelming - I felt it too. The most important thing is that, when I really thought about it, what she said was that it was our choice. Yes, everything happened too quickly between our alpha and omega - damn, we skipped years of dating! - but we were both strong enough to overcome that and to allow ourselves to have a choice. It is our decision whether we want to try to be together or not, whether we accept our fated lives or choose another path. Neither way would be easy, I'm sure, but it would be our way".

When Mew had finished, Gulf took time to absorb what the alpha had said. He wasn't an easy orator like Mew, so he wanted to ensure he could express what he said next in the right way...

"It was never that I didn't want to be with you. From the moment I met you I have felt so much more for you than anyone that came before. I knew what my omega heart wanted and I think I also knew, deep down, what my human heart wanted....but when you've lived a life like me. A life where you've spent every waking day building your walls higher or locking your doors tighter - making a shell around yourself - how does it feel to be told that 'this person is your mate and you must let them into your life, share your soul with them'? I felt like I couldn't breathe. I'm a confident, independent, tough omega P'Mew, you know? I can be sassy, arrogant, a bit of a brat even, but when I'm with you I feel myself softening and melting. I go small. You're the only one that can make me shy and so vulnerable...and I know that you will protect me...but I just didn't know if I could let someone be that for me without losing myself. How can I be both Gulfs? And the same for you, how could you stay true to yourself if half of you is shared with another?"

Mew had listened attentively to Gulf's words, nodding and stroking his hand as he spoke, as he opened his heart. Now, he had his reply...

"Gulf you are so brave. So loving. So kind and sexy and ambitious and soft and stubborn many other things. I know all this in such a short time. I'm flattered to know that I can bring out new sides of you and I have such an urge to take care of you - it's something I've never experienced before, so I understand what you feel. You asked how you can be both Gulfs? My answer is that you must be ALL Gulfs. Be all of yourself. Being together wouldn't take parts of yourself away, it would only add anew. And I would love all of you, every part, for better or worse. Because love is infinite, and our love is...pure"

"You love me?" Gulf asked simply.

"Love so much" Mew answered simply.

And then, as he looked down - searching - into Gulf's eyes, he began to sing. Ebb and Flow.

Ebb and Flow - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now