The big School duel against NA.

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Tara's p.o.v.

A couple of days has passed since the selection. Tara and Jaden was at the duel field. Jaden was totally pumped for the upcoming match against North academy. He was summoning all of his monsters on his dueling disk. He was ready for anything. His sister Tara, was sitting on the tribune, and was reading a book. She liked to study and now she also could have a close eye on Jaden. He was to excited for his own good. Suddenly Syrus rushed into the arena. He looked tired and beat. Tara had a feeling that he had been looking for Jaden, and a little bit later she was right.

”Jaden what are you doing? I have been looking all over for you” He said. A little bit after he waved at Tara ”Oh and hi Tara”. Tara waved back at him and closed her book. She placed it inside her rucksack and walked towards the two boys. 

”Hey Syrus” Said Jaden ”Why have you been looking for me?”. Syrus sighed a little. 

”The meeting assembled at the harbor” said Syrus ”North academy has arrived and so has your opponent”. 

”What?!” said both twins in unison. Tara looked furious. She hated being late.

”Well what are we waiting for” She yelled and grabbed Jaden. Jaden had grabbed Syrus and they all began running. Syrus was screaming from the back line. 

”No, not this again!”.

At the harbor.

Tara, Jaden and Syrus had just arrived at the harbor. They saw the two chancellor's greet each other, and before Tara could do anything, Jaden had gotten out of her grip and rushed towards the chancellor's. This could not end well, thought Tara. She looked at the beat up Syrus, who was lying on the ground, gasping after air. 

”One... day... you two... are kill me” He said while gasping after air. Tara felt a little guilty. 

”Um sorry” She said ”But I didn't grab you. Jaden did”. Syrus just looked at her.

”Yeah, he grabbed me, but you started the running, but never mind” He said ”Just go over to Jaden, before he does something stupid”. Tara nodded and walked towards Jaden. He was again too excited to met his opponent. Tara could hear him say.

”Hi, how your doing? How about we just skip the greetings and tell me who my opponent is?”. Tara sighed. It was to late to stop him now. 

”Yeah Jaden, we were getting to that” said Chancellor Shepard. Jaden smiled.

”Great, then I will be waiting right here until you get to it” Jaden said. Tara sighed. Didn't he really have any manners at all, Tara thought, and was now standing beside her brother. She hit him on the head. 

”Jaden. Be nice. At least let the north academy students set foots on the harbor, before you assault them”.

Jaden looked angry at her, because she had hit him on the head, but he didn't say anything now. The North academy chancellor was laughing at them. Tara blushed a little. Jaden had embarrassed them in front of the whole school. 

”So you are the Yuki twin's I have heard so much about” said NA chancellor and now looked at Jaden ”And you must be Jaden, the duel academy's phenom”. 

”Phenom!” Jaden uttered excitedly ”That's the coolest thing I ever have been called. What does it mean?”. The NA chancellor fell to the floor in Anime fall down style. Tara face palmed. Jaden couldn't be that stupid, could he?,Tara thought. 

”Jaden, he thinks you are an really talented duelist” explained Tara. 

”Oh That's cool!” said Jaden and was jumping really excited around ”So come on. When will I met my opponent?”. Tara face palmed again. He was an idiot.

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