The Shadow Duelist.

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A,N: I know that I am shorting the endings of the duels sometimes. I figured that people already knew how it is going to end anyway.

Tara P.O.V

"Welcome to the Obelisk Blue girls dorm" said the two girls and smiled. "This is your room"

Tara was a little stunned. These two girls, Mindy, a short black haired girl and Jasmine, short red haired girl, had just showed up out of nowhere at the Ra Yellow dorm. Luckily, Tara had just finished packing before they arrived. The two girls had asked Tara, in a pretty harsh voice, if she was ready to move to the Obelisk Blue dorm. Tara had answered "yes" but she could clearly sense the negative vibrations from these two girls.

Tara was looking at her new room. Everything was in a beautiful blue color. Her favorite color. There was a giant bed in blue and a little table with matching chairs. A big window with blue curtains and a beautiful view over the lake. Tara was living on the second floor. And the best of all, the room was really big. She was loving it.

"It is beautiful," Tara said and smiled.

"Glad you like it" said one of the girls. "But there are of course some rules to follow"

They approached me. Tara turned around, but before she could notice, she was pushed towards the floor.

"Listen up, new girl!" said Jasmine in a cruel tone. "Alexis asked us to get you and show you the campus, but that doesn't mean that we will let you be friends with Alexis. Alexis is our friend, and we're not gonna share her with some wannabe duellist who just happened to beat her at the exam got that!" Tara nodded.

"Okay, so as long as you understand and don't approach Alexis without our approval, there is nothing to fear from us" said Mindy pretty calm. "Let's give you the grand tour" She gave Tara a hand and helped her up, but Tara could see the hatred in her eyes. This was gonna be a long tour.


Tara was back at her room. Mindy and Jasmine had showed her every section of the dorm. The girls bathroom, the sturdy hall, the dinner room and kitchen. Under normal conditions, Tara would have thought that the tour was awesome, but because she always got cold or evil eyes from Mindy and Jasmine, it made the whole tour very uncomfortable. Tara was really happy that she was back in her room.

Tara thought about calling Jaden and tell him that she was getting bullied, but she also felt that it was her mess and that she should fix it herself. In the end, she decided not to bother him.

Someone was knocking on the door. Tara opened the door and found Alexis standing outside of the door.

"Hi, I just wanna see how it is going. I hope you had a great tour with Mindy and Jasmine?" she said and Tara felt her heart race, but luckily Mindy and Jasmine was not there. Tara was relieved inside. Alexis was looking at her. Tara had a feeling that Alexis didn't have a clue about the two friends of her.

"Yeah, you've got a pretty big campus. It's amazing," Tara replied and smiled. " are your two friends right now?"

"Hmm, oh you mean Mindy and Jasmine, right? They're with our headmistress, Mrs. Fortaine. Something about over using the girls bathroom. May I come in?"

Tara looked at Alexis. She was a really nice girl and it was not her fault at all. Even trough she would get in trouble afterwards with Mindy and Jasmine.

"Of course, come on in. I was just about to study on the test tomorrow," she said, even though it was a little lie she just said.

"Oh, maybe we can study together then?" she asked with a smile. "To be honest, studying alone is pretty boring."

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