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(A,N: I have made the story a little bit cruel this time. But I hope you still like it. If you don't, then just tell me what I could make better. Thank you for your support!)

Normal P.O.V

It was a normal day at Duel Academy. Many things had happened. Jaden and Syrus had won their Tag Duel against the Paradox Brothers. It had not been an easy win, but with a combination with Syrus's Power Bond card and Jaden's Elemental HERO Tempest, they won. Chumley's father had also been visiting and was trying to take Chumley home, but Chumley duelled him and made his father change his mind. Every thing was as it should be now. However..

Tara P.O.V

"Come on, Tara, you can do it!" screamed Jaden and was cheering from the sideline. They were having a PE lesson with a nice practice session of baseball. Tara was the batter on the team, together with Jaden.

"Hey, of course I can!" Tara yelled back at him. "Come on, Bastion, send it flying! I am ready!" Bastion was the pitcher from the other team and he smirked slyly at Tara.

"I'm sure you are" Bastion said and tossed the ball with all his might.

"Strike one!" said the judge and Tara bit herself on the inside of her cheek.

Okay, Bastion was good, she thought. Tara tried again and another "Strike". Tara trainee her determined eyes on Bastion. Bastion was throwing again and Tara hit the ball. It flew and it was a home run. Bastion looked impressed at Tara.

"Not bad. But what do you expect from a former Ra yellow?" he said, a little bit of pride in his voice. Tara was just smiling. It was Jaden's turn. He looked excited at Bastion.

"Give me your best shot, Bastion!" Jaden spoke loudly.

"Oh, you can count on it!" said Bastion, getting ready to throw the ball again.

Tara sighed. She had a feeling that this was gonna turn out to be some stupid rival between Jaden and Bastion. Bastion striked Jaden down. Tara sighed. She was right! Jaden was there teams pitcher, but Jaden hardly didn't bother tossing the ball correctly. Until Bastion came that is. Tara sighed again. Her brother was so stupid. Jaden had fire in his eyes when it was Bastions turn, and he tossed a ball with all his might, and Bastion hit it and -

Tara yelped in alarm. Bastion had accidentally slammed the ball into Dr. Crowlers face, who happened to have been passing through the court.

Tara, Jaden, Syrus and Bastion was approaching Dr. Crowler. And to say that he was mad was an understatement.

"How dare you!" he screeched at Jaden and Syrus. He didn't say anything to Tara or Bastion. "You ruined my face!"

"I'm sorry, Dr. Crowler, I was the one who hit the ball," Bastion spoke out. Dr. Crowler looked at Bastion for a moment and suddenly he changed his attitude.

"Oh no, Bastion, it's not your fault at all" said Crowler with a sweet voice.

Tara had a feeling that she should throw up, and made a funny face at Dr. Crowler, without him noticing it. Jaden and Syrus was laughing. Dr. Crowler looked angry at them.

"What are you standing here for?!" he screamed. "Move, go away" Tara, Jaden and Syrus left the place.


Later on at the Ra Yellow dorm...

"I know that hit was only pure luck Bastion" said Jaden. The group was on the way to the Ra Yellow dorm. Bastion had invited them. Tara sighed at her brother, wishing that he learned to give it a rest.

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