The dark scorpions assembled!

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A,N: Now there is coming a lot of Shadow riders plot now. I hope you all like it!.

Normal P.o.v.

It was a beautiful day at the duel academy. Everything was back to normal. Tara was no longer a Tiger, and Bastion was no longer love struck by Tanja. However Jaden and Syrus had a fight! Jaden had by accident sold Syrus's bed and he got angry. However that problem got solved, when Jaden actually got kidnapped by a pirate. Jaden was gone for over a week, with drived Tara and Syrus crazy! However Jaden managed to escape and is now back at the duel academy. And here begins our story..

Unknown's p.o.v.

Assembled in a cave was 4 people gathered. They were polishing their weapons, so they were ready for battle. They all were grinning.

”We have been waiting for this day in a long time!” said one of the voices. 

”I know! I can't believe that the boss is coming!” said the second one. 

”Of course he is coming!” said a third voice ”After all the final pieces are finally here!”. They others mumbled a little. 

”Or they will be, when we activate the plan at least!” said a fourth voice.

”There is no one who can stop the dark scorpions now!” said they all in unison. 

Tara's p.o.v.

Tara was standing in the hallway. She felt a little sad. Since that event with Tanja! Tara couldn't believe that she lost that duel! She couldn't remember much of being a tiger anyway, only Jaden's screaming voice when he was saving her! However now that she lost, and even through Jaden took her key away from her, the twins couldn't split the key again. Tara didn't feel good about having Jaden to take all the responsibility. She felt so useless now! Tara sighed a little again. 

”Who is signing on such a beautiful day!” said a voice and Tara turned around, and saw Zane standing behind her. Tara sighed relieved. 

”Oh it is you Zane!” said Tara and looked out of the window again. Zane was standing beside her now. Without any warning, Zane grabbed Tara and pulled her into a big hug. Tara got totally surprised. 

”Zane what are you doing!” Tara screamed surprised ”Why are you hugging me?!”.

”So I can't hug my girlfriend?!” said Zane and grinned ”You have that depressed look on the face! I don't like that!”. Tara looked down at her own feets.

”So do you want to tell me what's wrong!” He asked. Tara was about to say something, but got interrupted by a screaming voice. 

”Oh I know whats wrong!” said the voice and Jaden walked down the hallway towards them. Tara flinched. She didn't want to face Jaden right now! She was trying to get out of Zane's arms. Jaden grinned a little. 

”Hold her there Zane!” said Jaden ”She is trying to run away from me again!”. 

”I am not running away!” said Tara, but in reality she was. Zane kept her in his arms. 

”Your little problem is that duel with Tanja!” said Jaden when he was standing beside them ”You regret that you lost! But not only that! Your ashamed that you used ”Gatling dragon” in that duel! And you are afraid to face me too”. 

”What's with that dragon!” asked Zane confused. Tara looked down in the ground. Jaden took a card up from his pocket. It was the dragon. 

”It is a gift Tara got when she was little. From our uncle!” Jaden said and sighed ”But since Tara can't forgive him right now, she has a hard time playing this card! And when she do, she is either to angry or too distracted! But explain to me why that card was lying on my table this morning, with a note!”. Tara sighed. 

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