Broken Record

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Broken Record:

My headache was getting worse by the second. But, no matter how many times I tried to change the radio station, Les continued to slap my wrist away. I groaned in annoyance as another Taylor Swift song came on. It also didn't help when Les started to belt out the lyrics.

"WE! ARE NEVER, EVER EVEEER! GETTING BAAACK TOGETHEEER!" I kept one hand on the steering wheel and the other rubbing my temple. I swear, if I hear one more stupid song like that, I'm going to KILL MYSELF. As the song finally ended, I sort of let out a sigh of relief. My luck had ran short.

"OOOOH, KITTY I LOVE THIS SOOONG!" My best friend shouted, over Pharrell's song. I rolled my eyes and began banging my head on the car window.

"BECAUSE I'M HAPPYYY! CLAP ALONG, IF YOU FEEL LIKE A ROOM WITHOUT A ROOOF!" I almost started crying tears of joy when Lesley's house came into view. I pulled tightly into her driveway and unlocked the doors.

"Kay, out." I said with a tightly closed smile. She frowned and grabbed for her bag. I waved at her, mockingly, as she closed the car door. She motioned for me to roll down the passenger side window, so I did.

"Bye, Kitty. Text me later?" I nodded my head yes, and I reached across the seat, giving her a little fist pump, which she immediately accepted. We smiled and waved goodbye to each other, as I pulled out of her driveway. But, before I could fully leave ear-shot, she yelled, "Oh and thanks for the ride!!" I nodded, and drove away.

Ugh, finally I get to control my own radio! I thought to myself, as I came to a stop sign. I quickly made sure no cars were around, then took my attention off the road for a quick second to adjust the radio station. I was still scanning, when I heard a loud horn in front of me.

Everything happened so quickly. I jumped into focus and quickly put both hands on the wheel, trying to control the car, which was especially close to a large truck. The car honked louder, as it passed me. My heart was in my throat, and I was pretty sure I was about to throw it up.

I pulled over to catch my breathe. I opened my door, trying to pass this dizziness that had suddenly came over me. I rubbed at my eyes and dropped to the ground. I began heaving whatever my stomach contained. I must have been there for a good twenty-five minutes. Not vomiting, but just trying to breathe.

When I did finally catch my breathe, I fell into the drivers seat. I then started to sob, quietly at first, but then just louder and louder. My shoulders were shaking and my hands couldn't stop trembling. When I finally stopped crying, I glanced at the time.

4:24...I thought to myself. Have I really been here that long? I started the ignition and slowly started to drive away. I was almost racing the sun home, not wanting it to fall behind the mountains before I got home.

I still wanted to take mom to Bailey, but I'm not sure how she'll feel about going in the dark. You know? I also didn't want to tell her that she nearly lost another daughter. I'm all she has, and she's all I have. We only have each other now, and I didn't want anything to take that away.

Kind of reminds me of that song All I Have Left Is You by The Offspring. "And we're holding on, when there's nothing left to hold on to, so don't tell me when it's gone, 'cause all I have left is you."

Anyways, I was trying to wrap my head around what just happened. I think I was feeling sick to my stomach about the whole idea of getting into a car crash and ending up like my little sister. I mean, like I said before, I'm all my mom has now.

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