Nothing I Can Do About It

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Nothing I Can Do About It:


I was pulling into the airport, when I noticed the dark, heavy clouds beginning to form up in the night sky. It was then, that I noticed my best friend running over to my car, a tall handsome guy following right after. She had a small suitcase in one hand, and her violet purse in the other. Her friend had three suitcases in both arms, and by the looks of it, they were pretty heavy.

When they reached my car, Leslie started tapping at my window furociously with something small and slim inbetween her index finger and thumb. When I unlocked the doors and car, she fell into the passenger seat, shoving aside my purple tote. Her friend opened my trunk and started sticking the suitcases in.

Leslie let out a deep sigh, as I noticed her slightly damped hair. She let out another exhasperated breathe, as she tilted her head in my direction, drumming her fingers on the armrest.

"Hey stranger," She said, winking at me. I rolled my eyes and threw my arms around her shoulders.

"Come here, you little pink-haired monster!" We both started errupting in giggles. She smelled like cheap perfume and city bus. "Where have you been? I missed you so much! Did you have any adventures? You better not have! Not without me, anyway," I said, finally pulling away from her hug, giving her a lop-sided grin.

She smirked and stuck a strand of pink hair behind her ear. She opened her mouth to say something, when the backseat car door swung open. The guy who followed her earlier, was now plopping himself down into the backseat. Our eyes caught and he nodded my way.

"Oh, Kitty, this is Chance! He's the new friend I met in Africa." Leslie said, somewhat excitedly. My mouth slighlty hung, while I looked between my best friend and the handsome guy in my car. Her cheeks tinted pink and she looked away, completely aware as to what I was thinking.

"Um, Les? Can I talk to you in private for a sec?" I asked, gesturing to the outside. She bit her lip and frowned.

"Oh, I don't think so. I mean, it's raining now. Can this wait?" She replied, hurridly. I frowned and touched her arm.

"Get out, or I'll drag you out. Your choice." She sighed, but gave in, pushing the door open to get out of the car. I glanced over at Chance and gave him an awkward smile before geting out, myself. Les was right about the rain. It started sprinkling softly, then getting a little heavier. I sighed and walked over to the back of the car, just right in front of the trunk. Leslie was already there.

"Les, what are you doing? You met that guy in a whole other country. What the heck is he doing here?" I asked, trying to keep my voice low, just in case Chance was trying to eavesdrop. She rolled her eyes before replying.

"Relax Kat, I've known him since the first day I arrived in Africa. He's the guy who helped me with my bags and the neighbor of the family I was staying with. He's amazing and well...kind of, boyfriend." She mumbled the last part, but I heard it loud and clear.

"Your boyfriend? Les, you met him three months ago! You're crazy! Wh-what is he doing here anyways?" Without meaning to, my voice rose at her. Her cheeks were almost as pink as her hair.

"Kat, lower your voice, he'll hear you!" At this, I was the one blushing now. She let out a deep sigh. "Kitty, I think I love him. I know, I know that sounds crazy, but-"

"Crazy?! No, that's the understatment of the century, Les. That's ABSURD! You can't love him you-"

"And why not? You can't control who I fall in love with! Ever since you started dating that FLEA BAG, all I've ever been was supportive! Did I think he was bad for you? Yes. Did I tell you to stop loving him? Of course not! Because best friends don't do that." I opened my mouth to say something, but I just closed it again. I felt so guilty and ashamed about my words. I sighed and closed my eyes. The rain was plummiting now, and I knew if we stood another second out there, we'd catch a cold.

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