Guilt Trips, Creepy Stalker Guys, & Mom-Tantrums

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Guilt Trips, Creepy Stalker Guys, & Mom-Tantrums:


The waitress placed the cup of coffee in front of me, and smiled. "Is there anything else I can help you with?" She asked politely. I offered a curtious smile and slightly shook my head no.

"Thanks," I nodded towards the coffee. She smiled again and turned to take the next persons order. I was sitting in a red booth, in a small diner. I was waiting for Leslie, who said she'd meet me here at twelve. I glanced down at my small Alex The Cat watch. 12:22.

She was slightly late, but I didn't worry. Mostly because she's Leslie Stillborn. She's always late. I glanced out the large window next to me, and began looking for her. I pulled out my phone to text to see where she was, when a little blue pick-up truck pulled up. I smiled and slid out of the booth, tucking my phone back into my back pocket.

A short girl with peircing blue eyes stepped out of the passengers side, turning to bid her goobye with the driver. Her pastel pink hair

flowed behind her, as she jogged over to me. She smiled widely, and threw her arms around my shoulders.

"Hey, Kitty! Sorry I'm late, I was in the shower and totally lost track of time," She apologized, walking in front of me into the dimmly lit diner.

"It's cool, don't even worry about it. Um, I already have a table, just right over there," I pointed over to the back corner, where my untouched coffee sat. She got to the table first and slid into the seat across the coffee. I smiled and fell into the oppisite end, reaching for my now somewhat cold coffee.

"So, spill. How did you two end up calling it off?" She said, waving over at the waitress. I looked down at my mug and stared into the black bitterness. I scrunched my nose a bit, as the waitress came over.

"Can I get you anything, dear?" She asked Leslie, slipping out her small notepad from her back pocket. Leslie politely smiled up at her and nodded her head.

"Yeah, can I get a cup of coffee, as well? Oh, and a slice of apple pie would be nice, too." She said, folding her hands on the table. The waitress smiled and jotted down the order. Then she looked over at me.

"What about you, dear? Anything else I can get ya?" I smiled at Leslie and sat up straight.

"Actually, yeah. Can I get one of those slices of pie, too?" I asked, pulling my hair up in a loose bun. The waitress nodded, and jotted down my small order.

"Apple?" She asked, looking over her notepad. I smiled and nodded. She returned the smile and promised to return soon. I dropped my gaze back to my coffee.

"So?" Leslie pushed, leaning closer over the table. I looked back up at her and gave her a small, sad smile.

"I don't know Les, it just...just happened," I said, quietly. I dropped my gaze and she reached over, patting my hand.

"It's okay Kitty, you don't need to talk about it if you don't want to," She said, offering a sympathetic smile. Just as I was about to thank her for her support, she opened her mouth again. "Who am I kidding, Kat, I need details. Now." I gave her an annoyed look, and she shrugged her shoulders. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I knew she wouldn't let me off so easily.

"Well," I started, as the waitress came back with our pies. We nodded our heads in appreciation and I continued. "I guess things just began to change around the time of Bailey's funeral-" Leslie gasped, suddenly, and brought her hands up to her mouth.

"Oh my gawd, Kat, I am so sorry! I completely forgot about Bailey! Oh gawd, I am so sorry," She said, shaking her head. Her voice was dripping with guilt. "What kind of a best friend am I..." She whispered, looking down at her hands. Her mouth slightly hung open and her eyes held so much guilt.

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