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The bus slowed to a stop as me and Bansha got up. Archer had already been dropped off at the stop near his house so it was just us girls. Bansha usually comes with me to my house to hang out. We grabbed our bags and exited the bus along with a few other kids. " Do you even have any clothes that might match?" Bansha asked me, knowing my style. " Uuhhhh, I might." " We might have to stop at the mall if not," Bansha smiled as we got closer to my house. I roll my eyes and chuckle.

I got out my keys and unlocked the front door, " I'm home!" I call out as I open the door. " Bansha's with me too!" " Hi Mrs. (L/n)!" Bansha greeted my mom who was in another room. " Hi kids! Welcome home!" My mom yelled and came out of her office. " How are you kids doing? How was school?" My mom asked as we took off our shoes. " It was alright," I smiled and watched Bansha almost fall over trying to take off her boots without sitting.

" Well that's good." My mom smiled. " Oh, Mrs. (L/n), can (Y/n) come to the park with me and our friends later tonight?" Bansha asked, sitting down to remove her shoes. My mom thought about it for a bit. " Hmmm, alright. But don't be out too late ok." We nod. I can't believe she actually said yes. " Thanks, mom!" " No problem, if you kids want anything, I'll be in my office." My mom pat my back gently before walking away. " alright, bye mom." " Bye Mrs. (L/n)" Bansha finally got her boots off and we went to my room. 

We placed our bags near the door and I sat on my bed and Bansha went to my closet, " Let's see whatcha got." Bansha went through my clothes but didn't really see anything. " Check the back. Maybe there is something." I lay down. Bansha looked farther into my closet and found a hidden little gem. " Found something!" She pulled out a leather jacket that has dripping ribs painted onto it. " Oh my gosh, I haven't worn that since Halloween." I laugh.

The jacket was part of my Halloween costume a few years ago. It was a skeleton with a twist. Like a biker or just punk skeleton and I saw the jacket and couldn't not wear it. " It's like, perfect!" She put the jacket on the bed. " That with just a normal black shirt and some black pants. I know you have boots too. Maybe some jewelry, girl you will perfect!" 

I pick up the jacket, " Thanks Bansha. I probably wouldn't even see this if I was looking myself." Bansha smiled, "That's why you got me girl!" She gently punched my shoulder. I chuckle slightly and stare at the jacket. Bansha frowned, " Hey, you ok?" She asked, sitting next to me. " Yeah, I'm fine. I just, I feel like I don't fit in with the group." I lean against Bansha slightly. " What do you mean?" She questioned.

" I don't know. I'm probably just being dramatic but I'm not like you guys. Usually, in friend groups, everyone's acts similar or just fit with each other. I don't. You got the weird kids being weird, the popular ones being popular, the art kids being arty, the goths being goth with one weird one." I stare at my ceiling. Bansha chuckled and pulled me closer, hugging me. " Hun you fit in just perfectly. If we're putting in the sense of fitting in, then Ghoultar doesn't either. But he's part of the group, and Ghoultar adores you. He likes having you in the group"

I smiled slightly, " he does?" Bansha hummed and nodded. " Archer thinks your pretty cool, Wrayth thinks your stories are interesting and likes having you around, even Morro has said the group is better with you in it. You make sure we don't do stupid shit." Bansha laughed. I smiled more. Morro thinks the group is better with me. " Thanks, Bansh, now come on. You got to figure out my accessories and makeup." Bansha got real excited to do that.

So Bansha made me look fabulous. I didn't even think I would look good in dark-colored makeup. "I fit in with the goths now." I joke, looking at myself on my phone's camera. It was late now and Bansha had just picked me up. She left a while ago then came back. " Feel like you fit more with pastel goth though." Bansha pointed out. I looked at her. " That's a thing?" " You uncultured swine." Bansha took out her phone and pulled up pictures.

" You do know you don't have to dress or anything to fit in with us, right?" " Yeah yeah I know, but it honestly looks pretty cute." I scroll down on Bansha's phone. She rolled her eyes and put her phone away. " A touch of that and your normal fashion would look pretty cute." " You think?" Bansha nodded. " Yeah! I mean, you dress pretty cute already. A little lazy-styled but cute." Bansha slid in a small insult masked in a compliment. " Thaaaanks."

Bansha snickered as we got closer to the park. " Is this a normal thing you guys do? Hang out at the park at 8 pm?" I ask. Bansha nodded, " Yup! I've invited you like 100 times, and you're just now picked that up?" Bansha smiled and raised a brow. " Heh, yeaaah." I rub the back of my neck, " Maybe I should have used context clues huh." Bansha hummed.

We approached the park and could see Morro, Wrayth, and Ghoultar sitting near a lamp post. Ghoultar was sitting in a tree while Wrayth was sitting next to a large rock that Morro was sitting on top of. Wrayth was first to see us and waved.  "What's up losers!" Bansha said loudly. " Bansha please, it's late." I sigh. " Woah, (Y/n). Never thought I'd see you dressed like us." Morro chuckled, " Bansha did you force her to wear that?" " Yes and no." Bansha put her hand on her hip.

" Pretty sure you just did." Bansha yelped and looked behind her to see Archer sitting there. " She suggested it and I agreed. " I cleared up. " Ooooh, well Ghoultar think you look amazing!" Ghoultar complimented. " Thanks, Ghoultar." I smiled at him. Bansha and Archer sat on the grass in front of the rock Morro was on. I sat against the tree that Ghoultar was sitting on. 

" So Morro, you suggested we met up tonight, what's up?" Archer spoke up. " Can't I just want to hang out with my friends. Plus, it saves me from having to train with my dad." Morro rested his arm on his leg. " You train with your dad?" I question. " Yeah, like exercises and stuff. We just call it training." Morro bit his nail a bit. " Oh."

Morro was about to stay something else but his phone started to ring. " Ugh," He took out his phone. " Who is it?" Wrayth asked. " It's just Lloyd," He pressed the decline button. " Yeah, I'm not talking to him right now." Morro put his phone away. " You are such an ass to him dude." Bansha laughed. " He's my cousin, I gotta be." Morro smirked. Oh right, I totally forgot that Morro is Lloyds cousin. 

I know Lloyd pretty well and would count us as friends, him and his group. I don't hang out with them a lot but every now and then I do. We do text a lot though. Morro got another call from Lloyd and this time answered it, putting it on speaker though. " What Lloyd, I'm with my friends." Morro sounded annoyed. " Didn't Uncle Wu say you couldn't go out tonight? " Lloyd asked his cousin. 

" That was yesterday dumbass." Morro sighed. " What do you want." " Just making sure you packed for this weekend. Last time you didn't." Morro's face went from annoyed to panic. " I already did idiot." " Alright good, see you tomorrow at school. Bye." Lloyd hung up. " You didn't pack huh." Archer chuckled. " I totally didn't. Meh, I still have two days." Morro put his phone in his jacket. Ghoultar started to clap, " Shut it Ghoultar!" Morro shouted. I chuckle. These guys are fun.

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