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School went by as per usual. Drama and bitchs thinking their hot shit. Not my words, those were Morros. But now, I'm in a car with Lloyd, Nya, Jay, Zane, Kai, and Cole. Zane was driving as it was his car we were all in. He had a sort of big car that had three seats in the back, two in the middle, and two in the front so we all fit.

I had gotten permission from my mom so it was trampoline time! I was sitting to the right of Kai and Nya in the back. Kai was in the middle since he had longer legs and could put them in the isle section. Jay was looking over his homework and tests that got graded while Lloyd was chilling on his phone. 

" Zaaaaane, could you help go over my homework with me tomorrow?" " What grade did you get?" Zane asked, turning on his blinker like a normal person. " 63...." Jay said a bit ashamed. " Jay. I told you to study." Zane sighed, " I'll help you as per usual." " Thanks Zane! You are the best!" Jay smiled. Nya reached up and played with Jay's hair since he was in front of her. " Jay, you're really dumb sometimes." Nya snickered. Jay made a sad noise.

" Noooo, he's only a baby you can't bully him." I joke. " I'm the baby? You should look at Lloyd." " Hey! Don't bring me into this!" Lloyd pointed at Jay. " You cried at a papercut Jay. Just because I'm sort of childish but at least I can man up at times. You panic ramble and freak out whenever possible." Lloyd crossed his arms.

" Oooo, he got you there." Kai chuckled. Jay muttered something and looked down at his papers again. We all laughed at him except Zane. He was focused on driving. " How the hell did I get this question wrong!? It's an opinion essay!" Jay stared very closely at his paper. " Did you do it in the correct format? Cite so-" " Zane It was marked wrong because it wasn't true. But it was about the First Spinjitzu Master! Just because you don't believe in him doesn't mean I can't." Jay cut Zane off.

" Email your teacher or talk to them in person. I suggest email. That should not have been graded wrong." Zane parked his car and undid his seatbelt. " For now, let's forget about lessons and grades and have fun!" Zane looked back and smiled at us. " Says the honor student," Jay mumbled as we all got out.

" It is wrong that she marked it wrong. Just because they don't believe in the same religion, doesn't mean you should be marked wrong." I agreed with the two. " Yeah! See you get it!" Jay paused for a second before asking, " Do you believe in the First Spinjitzu Master?" I nod, " Yeah. It just feels like he exists. I don't know why and I haven't researched him that well, but I just have that feeling you know." I answer as we walked inside the building. 

" Yeah, we all feel that." Jay smiled at me. " Ok! Enough with the FSM or school. Fun. Time." Cole slung his arms over mine and Jay's shoulders. " Cole you are already sweaty get off of me" Jay complained and pushed Coles arm off of him. Cole pouted as I laughed. We walked into the building and did all the necessary stuff like getting bands, socks, and all that funky business. And now, trampoline time!

I gently jumped on the trampoline and watched as Lloyd jumped high enough and even did a flip. Show off. Zane was being normal, Jay was jumping and sitting in the air so he could bounce back up and stand once more. Nya was having a contest with Kai to see who could jump the highest. Cole was on the longer trampoline to try and do flips like Lloyd. 

" Lloyd! How do you flip?" Cole asked after failing 30 times. " Meh, you just do." Lloyd smirked and flipped again. " How many times have you been here that you mastered flipping?" Cole asked, trying again. " Bro, so many times." Lloyd chuckled. I shook my head and smiled. I jumped and landed on the flooring. " Yo! Who wants to join me in jumping into the foam pit?

Everyone joined in and we found an empty pit so we all took turns jumping into it. I dove into the pit and tried to swim down into it further. I could hear the others laughing before realizing I was stuck. Fuck. " Uhhhhhh, help?" I chuckled. I felt someone jump in and saw a hand. I grabbed it and was pulled up by Cole. " Thanks Cole." I smile and we got out. " You're lucky the employees didn't see you." Cole chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, " I don't know why you can't just swim in the foam." Cole shrugged and watched as Jay mess up his jump. Nya laughed loudly at her boyfriend. Lloyd was up next and did a flip into it just to piss off Cole. " Show off!" Cole laughed and Lloyd crossed his legs and smirked. He got out and Kai tried to flip into the put too but just ended up going face-first into the pit. Nya sighed and shook her head.

Nya cannonballed into the foam pit like it was a hecking pool. Zane was normal, like usual, and just jumped into it. " Zane, you're too normal. Be fun," I lean on the tallest boy in the group. " Ok." Zane smiled and when it was his turn. He jumped up and spun around and sat criss-cross as he fell into the pit. Kai laughed, " What the fuck Zane? Haha!" 

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