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" (Y/n)! Get up hun!" My mother shouted as I accidentally slept through my alarm for the fifth time this month. " I'm uuuuuupppp," I yawn. I sit up and already know my hair is a mess. I lay back down and pick up my phone, checking my messages. I got one from Nya and Bansha and both groups separate group chats. I click on Nya's contact first.

Mermaid wannabe: 'Yo, (Y/n) are you up?'

No Nya, you texted me an hour ago. Of course I'm not up.

 ' Yeah, I am now. Why what's up?'

' Just checking up on you, Lloyd said he saw you last time hanging out with Morro and his friends, still someone friends with those assholes?'

I chuckle and text back,

' Lol yeah I am. They are assholes but they are pretty cool when you are friends with them. Also, what do you mean Lloyd saw me?'

' He just said he was taking a walk and saw you at the park with them'

' oh'

I clicked off and went to Bansha's contact and saw her spamming me with heys. 

' What? Whats up?'

'Hehe, you and Morro,'

' I'll see you at school Bansh.'

I sigh and get up, not even bothering with the group chats. I got ready for school. I slipped on a comfy shirt and hoodie as well as some leggings. I grabbed an apple for breakfast and ate that as I packed anything I needed into my bag. " Bye Mom I love you!" I shout as I threw away the apple core and put on my sneakers. " Bye (Y/n), I love you too!" My mom shouted back as I left the house.

I started walking to the bus stop and sat down at the bench to wait. " Hey (Y/n)," A familiar voice said as someone sat next to me. I looked over and saw Lloyd looking very tired. " Hey Lloyd, you ok?" I saw seeing how tired the poor boy is. " Yeah yeah just, didn't get much sleep." Lloyd rubbed his eyes. " Try and get some sleep tonight ok. I need ya to be well-rested." I nudge him slightly. Lloyd chuckled, " What are you? Zane?" 

" Heh, maybe." I snicker as the bus pulled up. I could see Bansha already inside looked at me. " I'll see you later, alright Lloyd?" " Yeah, see you." We smiled at each other and got on the bus. I went to the back and sat behind Bansha and Archer. Lloyd sat in the front. " Hey guys," I greeted, setting my bag down. " Have you checked the group chat?" Archer instantly asked. " No?"

I pulled out my phone and looked at the group chat. I scrolled up a bit and saw a picture sent by Morro of a flower shop. Bansha asked if he was getting flowers for a certain someone. Morro responded with no. " So what? He's just getting flowers for his mom or something." " He doesn't have a mom. He's adopted." Archer mentioned. " Oh. Then maybe he likes someone. Big deal." 

Bansha stared at me with a hella wide smile. " Bansha, you will lose a tooth pretty soon." I threaten. She snickered, " Ok ok." " Why are you even smiling at her... (Y/n) has a crush on Morro huh." Archer realized. " SHHHH shut the fuck up Archer," I whisper screeched. He laughed, " Your secret is safe with me dear."

" OK enough with the crush and shit. Have you guys seen the news on the Wind Ninja?" Bansha asked us. Both of us shook our heads. " Isn't the Wind Ninja and Ninja but yet, separate from the Secret Ninja Force?" I ask and Bansha nodded. " Yeah! He spotted yesterday without his mask. But he was turned around! So all we know is that he has black hair."  Bansha filled us in.

" Black hair? That could be anyone! Ugh, I hate secrets." Archer groaned. " I think it's wrong for people to want to know who the Ninja are. They want to separate their personal life and their hero life. That also keeps people they know safe. It's better not knowing who they are." I comment. " Meh, You do got a point there." Bansha scratched her thumbnail with her middle nail. 

" Still, who are these people, and how do they have powers?" Archer questioned. " First Spinjitzu Master?" " (Y/n), he's only a legend," Bansha said after I suggested the FSM. "Doesn't Morro believe wholeheartedly in the First Spinjitzu Master?" Archer questioned. Bansha nodded, " Yeah. I kind of don't believe in him but at the same time, I do. I'm iffy on it." 

" I believe in him. " I add-in. " He just, feels real." Bansha gave me a confused look but didn't question it. The bus slowly stopped at the school and we piled out.  " (Y/n)!" I turn around and Cole wrapped his arm around my shoulder. " Hey! Me and the others are gonna go to a trampoline park after school. Wanna join?" Tempting. Very tempting. " I'd love too, but I'll have to text my mom first." " Alright, text me when you know alright. See ya" Cole held up finger guns before walking away.

"He's, weird." Archer insulted. " Meh, you should see Jay. Anyways, lets go." I start to walk to the side of the building. That's where we always go too. Ghoultar and Wrayth are the only ones there currently. " Where's Morro?" Wrayth asked us. " We were gonna ask you the same thing." Bansha admitted.

" I'm right here." We turned around and saw Morro walking over. I noticed he was wearing a new leather jacket. " Nice jacket, is it new?" I ask. " Why thank you for noticing." Morro started, " And yes, yes it is." " Ghoultar think you look good!" Ghoultar smiled. " Thanks skeleton." Morro smiled. Ghoultar smiled more then sneezed, then immediately started to cough. "Ghoultar fine!" He said in between coughs. The boys joked about his coughing fit after he was done. " Ghoultar wants to say, we shall not, no he shall. Fuck you."

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