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Staying at the park didn't last long. We soon started to walk around and head into the main part of the city. I looked around at all the bright lights, I'm usually not in the bigger part of the city at night so it's very pretty. I sigh happily and direct my attention to Archer who suggested eating something to eat. Everyone else was agreeing. " What about you (Y/n), you down?" Archer asked. " Uh, I didn't bring my wallet," I say sheepishly. " I'll pay for you," Morro said nonchalantly.

" Oh no, that's really not necessary." I wave my hands in front of me. " It's fine. Can't have you sitting there with nothing. I'll pay, lets go." Morro started to lead everyone to the closest restaurant. I tried to protest but Morro kept shutting me down. I sigh and Bansha nudged me, wiggling her eyebrows. 

I elbowed her in the side and she laughed. Morro glanced back at me before holding the restaurant door for everyone. " Why thank you, Mr. Gentleman." Bansha joked and Morro closed the door after everyone but her went in. " Asshole."

We got a table and sat down, I was squished between Morro and Ghoultar with Wrayth, Bansha, and Archer in front of us in the booth. We were given menus and I looked for something cheap but also good. Ghoultar only glanced at his menu before putting it down. " How many times have you come here that you don't even need to look at the menu?" Wrayth asked the skeleton boy. " Ghoultar come here lot of times!" 

" Mmmhm, and what does Ghoultar get?" Wrayth questioned. " Buffalo chicken salad with no cheese and a lemonade," Ghoultar answered instantly. " Is the buffalo chicken salad good?" I ask Ghoultar who just nodded. " I might just get that then. Sounds pretty good and I trust your judgment." I smiled and put my menu down. Ghoultar smiled and the waiter came over.

We ordered our drinks and once they came, Wrayth almost split his. We laughed at him for a good minute before ordering our food. I tapped my finger on the table a few times before poking Morro's hand. He just looked at me confused and I smiled at him. " You're weird," He looked away and covered my face with his hand. I laughed and removed his hand. 

" You guys are such a cute couple~" Bansha teased. I blushed a bit, " No Bansh! We are not dating!" I quickly shoot out and Morro rolled his eyes, flipping her off. " You guys are like, my OTP!" Bansha continued to tease. She stopped after Morro kicked her under the table. Archer got a tad mad he kicked her. " Tell her to stop then." Morro scoffed.

The food finally got here and we started to eat, except Archer because his food was the wrong thing so he still needed to wait. The salad I got was pretty good, it was buffalo so spicy, but really good. I was eating it a little fast because I really enjoyed it. " You really like that salad huh?" Wrayth snickered. I nodded, " Very much I do. Thank you Ghoultar." I smiled, stuffing another forkful into my mouth. I covered my mouth as I chewed because ew. " Ghoultar knew you would like it!"

Archer finally got his food and knocked down Wraths drink by accident. About 10 paper towels later and a new drink, we were all eating. Morro made a joke about spilling Wrayths drink and got stabbed in the hand by him. I laughed a bit too hard and got poked in the arm with a fork by Morro. " What are you trying to do? Eat me?" I snicker. " Yeaaah, you look pretty tasty~" Morro winked and my face has never changed to red quicker. 

Morro started to laugh loudly and I covered my face. " I'm- Hahaha! I'm sorry (Y/n)!!" Morro hit the table a few times while laughing. The others started to laugh as well and I was just sitting there flustered. I uncovered my face after my blush-toned down and stared at Morro who kept laughing. " Is making me flustered funny? Huh!?" Morro nodded, " Haha, very." 

Soon enough, we finished eating and everyone paid for their own meal. Except Morro paid for both me and him. " I'll pay you back alright," I told the black hair male as we got up to leave. " Nah, don't worry about it. I already embarrassed you tonight. I'll count that as payment." Morro nudged me and chuckled. " You sure? It was no more than 15 dollars. I can pay you back." " No no, please." Morro smiled as we left the restaurant.

Bansha suggested climbing onto the roof of a building and stargazing. I was a bit worried about getting in trouble but I was the only one worried. We agreed to and found an easy enough to climb building. Ghoultar helped everyone up since he was the best climber. We were almost at the top and it was just one more pull to get up. Everyone was doing it flawlessly, but when I jumped up and grabbed the edge. My hand slipped.

I let out a scared shriek and almost fell which could result in a broken bone or two. Maybe even death.  Thankfully, pretty boy Morro grabbed my wrist. " I got you, princess," Morro chuckled and pulled me up as if I was a weightless doll. " Thanks, Morro." I sigh, happy to be alive.

 Morro pat my back, " Couldn't have you going to the hospital now, could we? Your parents would probably never let you hang out with us after that."  I nod, " Yeah. They probably wouldn't." I smile. We laid down on the roof and stared up at the stars. The sky was clear, not a cloud in sight. It was a perfect night. I'm happy I'm friends with these guys.

" What are you kids doing here?" A voice asked us. I flinch and sit up quickly. I looked behind all of us and saw the Green Ninja standing there. Aw fuck. " Stargazing," Archer answered without a care in the world. " You six can't be up here. It's dangerous and trespassing. Get down and I won't have to get the police." The Green Ninja seemed annoyed for our small little crime.

 " I thought you Ninja were above the police?" Wrayth looked at ht Ninja. " For such a small crime, I'm not going to waste energy dealing with you six myself. So just get down please." " O-of course sir! We're getting down!" I smile and got up. I did not want to be arrested today. We started to get down. 

I was the last one too because I need the most help to get down. I overheard the Green Ninja talking into his earpiece that it's just some kids and that we're getting down. I got down and the Green Ninja told us to get home and stay out of trouble. I sigh and we started to walk away from the building. " Hometime?" Ghoultar asked. " That seems like the best," Bansha yawned, " I'm tired." She leaned on Archer. 

We split up since we all lived in different areas. I walked with Bansha since we need to go the same way. " Morro flirted with yooouu!" She brought up after we were away from the others. I felt my face heating up, " Shut up! He was just joking around." I put my hand over my face slightly. " Girl! He paid for your food!" " That's because I didn't have mon-" " He never pays for us when we forget our wallets. He likes you!" Oh boy.

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