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The trampoline park was fun and we were so sweaty afterward. Bad thing is, after hanging out with these guys, I told Bansha I would hang out with her and her group so I have to run home and show and change. She said that they were just going to be skateboarding so I didn't really need to rush to make it but I like hanging out with them. Zane dropped me off at home and I said goodbye before running into my house. I ran straight to my bedroom and into the shower.

After a quick shower, I changed into some new clothes and blowdried my hair before brushing it. I ran outside and there Bansha already was, her skateboard under her arm. " Hey, Bansh," I waved. " You rushed huh. You know you could have said no or just at a later time" " No." Bansha shook her head and laughed. " Come on! The guys are already waiting."

We walked together and talked. We soon reached everyone else who was sitting outside of one of the guys' houses. " Yo! Bansha! (Y/n)!" Wrayth greeted us. I waved and Bansha shouted back a yo. I saw Ghoultar sitting on the curb with a bottle of water. Morro sitting on his skateboard texting someone, his bag right next to him. He seemed a bit stressed. Archer leaning on a tree and Wrayth was sitting on the curb too with his skateboard under his foot.

We sat down on the curb with them and talked for a bit, figuring out where to go. After that, Wrayth and Archer got their skateboards which were leaning on the house. Ghoultar didn't have one since apparently, his dad didn't want him falling and getting hurt more than he already is. I wonder what that meant.

Me and Ghoultar chased after the four who were skateboarding. It was fun but someone decided to fuck up out little fun. A lady put her leg out to try and trip Bansha who had to swerve and fall so she didn't hit her. " What the hell lady?!" Bansha picked up her board, the others stopping. " Oh god, not a Karen." Wrayth huffed.

" Do you know where you are? You're in a neighborhood so you guys are not allowed to be skateboarding here!" The lady shouted. " We can skateboard here all we want, it's not like this is a private neighborhood. And our friend lives here anyways. We are just tiring to get around. Like a bike," Archer calmly explained. " You're not allowed to be skateboarding here." She repeated. " Listen lady! We are just trying to get to the skatepark! Leave us alone!" Wrayth shouted. 

Ghoultar pulled out his phone and started to record since he already knew she was going to do something and they were going to be blamed for it. He lived in the same neighborhood with her anyways. " Um, miss." I walked up,  "We aren't doing anything wrong. We just want to get to point A to point B. Like my friend explained, it's like biking but with a skateb-" " It's not like biking and you aren't allowed to be skateboarding here!" 

Ghoultar pulled me back and shook his head. " Come on, lets go guys." Morro got back on his skateboard and tried to go around her but the Karen tripped him. Morro hit the ground and scraped his cheek, " Ow! What the fuck lady!?" He got up angrily. His cheek started to bleed slightly. " Are you stupid? Did you not go to school? I just said you can't skate here!" The Karen continued to yell.

Archer had to pull Morro back since he knew that Morro is like a bomb. Light him up a little bit and he will explode. Lighting up is pissing him off. " Listen here, Karen! We are just trying to leave!" Wrayth glared at her. I took out a tissue from the small pack I always had on him. Ghoultar poured a bit of his water on it and I wiped Morro's cheek.

The lady took Morro's skateboard and tried to break out. Oh fuck no. I put Morro's hand on the tissue and went back over to the lady. I snatched the skateboard from her hand. " Listen lady! We aren't doing shit so leave us alone! We are just teens being teens! You are trying to destroy my friend's property. For what!?" I yelled at her. Bansha was surprised since I usually don't confront people.

" You know what, I'm calling the police." She took out her phone. " Ha! Do it then pussy." I cross my arms. And the fucker actually did it. She lied and said we were harassing her and tried to hit her. A police officer came over and asked us what happened. Ghoultar walked over to him and played the video of the lady yelling at us, tripping and hurting Morro, trying to break Morro's board, and then her calling the police. The video ended when the officer arrived. Ghoultar also told them that she tried to trip Bansha.

The officer sighed, " Ma'am, the kids haven't done anything. But you in fact have. You tripped the kids, then proceeded to steal and try to break the kid's board. This isn't the first time this has happened either. You've wasted the police's time and have already gotten warnings. I'm going to have to ask you to come with me." The lady got really mad and tried to tell the officer to arrest us.

The officer sighed and told us that we could go and even apologized for her behavior. Morro, Bansha, Wrayth, and Archer got back on their boards and skated away. Me and Ghoultar followed with as the Officer took care of the woman." Good thinking on recording Ghoultar," Wrayth complimented. " Ghoultar know her. Ghoultar always records when she is being a Karen. Karen tried to get Ghoultar arrested a lot of times." Ghoultar put his phone in his pocket. " Yeesh," I cringe slightly. 

We got to the skatepark and Morro checked his bag, " Is it ok?" Archer asked him. Morro sighed and nodded, " Barely smushed." He smiled. " What is?" I question. " Nothing (Y/n)." Morro closed his bag. He took out a bike lock and chained his bag to the fence so no one could steal it. " That's so fucking smart," Bansha snapped her fingers. " I know." Morro chuckled.

I sat on top of a ramp as the boys, and gal, skated around. Bansha skated up the ramp, " Yo, (Y/n), you were pretty badass when you stood up to that Karen. You never confront people! Even Morro was a bit surprised." She winked. " Meh, it was nothing. I just got really mad when she tried to break his board like, come on that's his property." Bansha nodded, agreeing with me.

I smiled and looked over, seeing Archer fall after failing to go a trick. I chuckle, " I think your boyfriend needs your assistance." I pointed at Archer. Bansha looked over and sighed, " Dumbass." She slid down the ramp and went over to him. Kicking him gently. I laughed. I love these guys.

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