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Remember when Bansha said we should search for Vengestone. She wasn't lying. It's 11 pm, I'm in jeans, boots, and a jacket that's all black. We were searching around mines with flashlights. Bansha already had an alibi. " We shouldn't be doing this. We could be caught and questioned." I warned the green-haired girl. " Uh yeah, but also we have an alibi that is realistic. If anything like that happens, you fucking let me talk."Bansha moved over a large rock.

I sighed and look around. A large spider crawled behind a rock and I want to leave even more. " Bansh, there's spiders." " So?" Bansha moved another rock and found an entrance to something. " Bingo." She smirked and slide into the small entrance. " Bansha-" I sigh and follow her. " Woah," Bansha shined her flashlight around. A bulk of Vengstone was in the walls and it is obvious someone had been digging here.

" If we're caught here, they will definitely think we did something," I rub my arm. " Yeah, let's get out and inform the police." Bansha agreed. She crawled back out of the mine and I followed behind her. Except, something grabbed my leg. I shriek and look down, shining my flashlight on a black serpent-looking thing. It hissed at me as it coiled around my leg. Bansha quickly grabbed a rock and threw it at my leg. It hit the serpent and it fell off. But the rock also scratched my leg and I started to bleed.

I didn't care though as Bansha pulled me up. We ran out and a bit away from the mines. I took out my phone and thankfully had service. I called the police and no later than 20 minutes, all 7 Ninja show up. Even the Samarui X had shown up. " Wind, you answered the call as well?" The Fire Ninja said seeing the Wind Ninja. Wind scoffed and flipped him off. " Of course I did. Now, why were you two in the mines?" The Wind Ninja walked over to me and Bansha.

" We wanted to go exploring and we decided to explore a place not too far from here. After that, we came here because that place was a bust. I moved some rocks and found an entrance to something." Bansha explained. " I thought it was going to be cool so I went in even when (Y/n) over here warned me. We shined our flashlights around and found some weird rock. (Y/n) said it could have been Vengestone and that's when we left to not tamper with evidence." 

The main 6 Ninja look at themselves before the Green Ninja asked to take us to where the Vengestone was. I got up from the rock I was sitting on. " I'll show you. Bansha, make sure no one comes in just in case." Bansha gave me a thumbs up. " Good thinking, Samurai X, you stay too" The Green Ninja looked at the samurai who nodded. 

I lead the NInja inside and showed them the entrance to the mine. " Careful though, there was some weird blackened snake-looking thing in there." I warned. " A black snake?" The Lightening Ninja repeated. " Yeah, it wrapped itself around my leg, it was weird." I gulp as the Ninja went into the mine. The Earth one had to say out since the entrance was too small for his bulky body.

I slid in as well and shined my flashlight around. The Ice Ninja went up to the black and yellow rock and analyzed it. " Thank you, (Y/n), this is indeed Vengestone." The Ice Ninja nodded at me. " I told you asking around was a good idea." The Wind Ninja scoffed. " Wind you could have put people into a panic and worry. The chances of someone actually finding Vengestone was 2.1%. And the chances of someone dying trying to find it was 59.38%. It was unwise of you to say anything." Ice scolded.

Wind was going to say something but choose to stay silent. " Wind, for putting people in danger. Escote the two ladies back home safely." The Green Ninja turned back to the Vengestone. " K. Come on kid," The Wind Ninja waved me over. I nodded and walked over. I got out of the cave with them and walked out. " Oi, other kid. Come with me I'm taking you both home." The Wind Ninja told Bansha. Bansha nodded and got up. " Bye Samarui X," She waved to the samurai who waved back, " Goodbye, Bansha." Bansha walked over to me and the Ninja and we started to walk away from the mines.

The Ninja asked where we lived. We told him our addresses. He summoned his wind dragon which was a lot different from the other Ninja's dragons. " Got on and hold on." He lifted out his hand and I grabbed it. He pulled me up and behind him. He did the same with Bansha but she was behind me. "Green-haired kid, hold onto our friend. You, hold onto me." He grabbed the reins to his dragon. Bansha mumbled that she had a name.

I wrapped my arms around the Ninja's waist/torso and Bansha did the same to me. The Wind Dragon started to run before flapping their wings and flying. The wind whipped our hair around and I closed my eyes. The wind was dying them up anyways. The Wind Ninja went to Bansha's house first. The Dragon landed on the ground in front of the large house. Bansha slid off. " Thanks, Wind Ninja. See you later (Y/n)." She waved and took out her keys, getting inside her house.

The Dragon started to fly again as the Wind Ninja took me to my house. It wasn't long since I didn't that far from Bansha and also we were flying on a dragon. The dragon landed in front of my house. I got off, " Thank you for taking me home." I thanked the Ninja. He just gave me a thumbs up. I walked to the front of the dragon and gently pet them. The Dragon closed its eyes, " Thank you as well." I smiled. I walked away and waved, going inside my house. He stared at my door for a moment before flying away.

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