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The following days were, weird. Bansha, of course, told everyone what happened. We were all at hers for a sleepover when she spilled. " Idiots." Morro tied his hair up into a ponytail which I watched him do. " What are you looking at simp?" Morro smirked as I looked away and blushed, hiding in my pillow. " Ayo shes blushing!!" Bansha said dramatically. " AM NOT" " ARE TOO!" " Ghoultar saw (Y/n) blush!" " All of you shut up I'm getting a headache," Morro growled and checked his phone. I sighed and looked at the floor.

" Stop being such downers" Bansha smiled. " Come on let's play some games!" She got up. " Ghoultar asks if we play Mario party?"Ghoultar asked. " Ye" She turned on her switch. Since there was a limit of four, Archer and Wrath sat out while Morro, Bansha, Ghoultar, and I played. 

- And that's it for this chapter. I apologize but I have zero ideas for this book. Maybe one day I will pick it back up and continue, but for now, I am discontinuing it. Thank you for reading and please check out my other content.-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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