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Content warning: discussions of hospitals, political tension, nongraphic depictions of hypothermia, nongraphic depictions of burns, discussion of the aftermath of trauma, and a creepy/exploitative dynamic


"Queen Clearsight and King Darkstalker," Clearsight says nervously, flashing the soldier on border duty her ID, and nudging me. "We're not going to leave the protective bubble, just meeting someone."

I snap out of my daze, rooting around in my satchel for the little card confirming I am, indeed, Darkstalker of the NightWings, male, 17 years old, eye colour silver/blue, teardrop scales at eyes, etc. This whole routine is kind of dumb, we're not exactly hard to recognize--but we have to lead by example, so it's probably best to follow protocol.

"And these are just guards," my wife adds after a moment of consideration, gesturing at the entourage behind us. "You don't need to check them."

The soldier nods. "All right, Your Majesties. Best of luck."

He unlocks the rusty gate. We step forward into the moonlit clearing. We left at eleven-thirty, so we'd get here before Snowfox would. (And maybe the other queens--she didn't specify.)

I can't stop thinking about the skull she sent us. It's the kind of thing I would have thought was really hardcore and edgy when I was, like, five. It doesn't seem like Snowfox's style--she doesn't bother with flashy threats, she strikes to kill. Come to think of it, if she were totally in control of whoever she's using, I doubt we'd still be here at all. The spells she's cast so far have been powerful, yes, but sporadic and out of control, and they didn't last for long. (Why make the hurricane stop at all?)

"Do you know what time it is?" Clearsight asks, breath turning to steam in the cold night air.

"I can do a spell if you really want?" I offer.

She shakes her head."It's fine." She rips off a frost-kissed blade of grass and begins systematically shredding it with her claws.

"Hello, Your Majesties," Snowfox says from the other side of the translucent barrier. I flinch--how did she get so close without us noticing? Logically, I know she can't hurt me. (Probably.) But that doesn't stop my heart from racing.

"Queen Snowfox," Clearsight says, holding her head high. "I see you're alone?"

Snowfox nods. "I'm more than able to defend myself, Queen Clearsight," she says snippily.

"Of course. I didn't mean to offend you," Clearsight says, bowing her head slightly.

I discreetly twine my tail around hers, unable to stop myself. "What did you want to discuss, Your Majesty?"

"Your soldiers staged an attack on our camp three nights ago," Snowfox says, arching her brows.

"They did," I confirm carefully.

"You've killed fifty of our dragons--and injured many more. That's not a death toll I'm willing to take lightly."

Clearsight looks away for a moment, clearly uncomfortable. She takes a deep breath, pulling herself together. "I'm sorry--I send my condolences. But this is war--and our tribe has to defend itself."

"You mean to say you ordered this attack?' she says, stepping closer--her eyes wide.

"Yes. We did," I say, just like Clearsight and I rehearsed. If she thinks we don't have control of our dragons, she'll respect us even less than she already does. It might not have been intentional, but taking full responsibility for what happened is the best way forward. She's going to retaliate either way. "I hope you're not implying that we can't control our own dragons?"

One True Queen: A Wings of Fire fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now