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Content warning: Descriptions of first and second-hand drowning, natural disasters, warfare, fire, blood, panic attacks and trauma. Also, Darkstalker and Clearsight being nauseatingly married. Proceed at your own risk.


I wake up to the sunset, staining our room red and orange, refracting off half-melted ice. I yawn, stretching out my wings. "Darkstalker?"

He looks over from the window at me, grinning. "Clearsight! You're up!" He climbs back into bed and wraps me up in his wings. "I was trying not to wake you up," he tells me, kissing my forehead. "Do you know what day it is?"

I raise my eyebrows. "Solstice Day."

He laughs. "Try again, darling..."

"It's my hatching day," I say, grinning.

"You're seventeen now! How does it feel?" he asks excitedly.

I laugh. "Sorry to disappoint, but pretty much the same as being sixteen."

"Well, whenever you're ready, there's presents downstairs. I couldn't exactly make a cake this year, but, uh, I did make waffles. When this whole mess is over, I'm gonna make you the more beautiful cake in the world. Oh--I wanted to give you your card beforehand. Hang on, it's, uh..." he tosses memos and budgets and everything in between to the floor, before eventually finding the little card, with a flower garden sketched on the front. "Here you are. Your Majesty."

"Please never call me that again," I giggle. "Or I'm gonna have to start calling you snookums or dreamboat, or—"

"Okay, okay, I get the idea." He shoves me, a little embarrassed. "Just read the card."

I open it up, adjusting my cloak over both of us.

Dear Clearsight,

I know we're attacking the SkyWings today, and it's probably not gonna be the easiest day for you. I know the last two years have really sucked, to say the least. I know things kind of suck now.

I know you feel really down on yourself a lot these days, and you've got so much on your shoulders, and there's not much I can say that's really going to make you see yourself in a better light, but just humour me, all right?

Because I think you're brilliant. I think you're better than I will ever know how to be. I think you're strong, and brave, even when you don't feel like it. I think you're gorgeous and a little terrifying, and I think you've tried so hard to make the best of a bad deal, and I admire that every single day. And you're the perfect little spoon, and you have the best laugh and the coolest star patterns on your wings. I love it when you read to me or tell me about the good futures. I love waking up with you. I love you on your bad days and your good too. I love you when you're too tired to say it back. I love you now and forever.

You're the best wife I could ever have asked for.



I set it down on the blankets, and wipe the tears off my cheeks.

"Thank you," I murmur. "You... have no idea how much that means to me."

Hey! Don't cry." Darkstalker laughs a little, resting his head on my shoulder, and tracing circles down my side. "Everything's gonna be all right."


Eclipse and Nebula are waiting downstairs, at the ridiculously large table. Darkstalker definitely had to drag them out of bed kicking and screaming. Poor Nebula--he's probably so confused.

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