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Content warning: Timeline series typical political tension, abuse of power, non-graphic depictions of murder, Sharp-eyes is in this one, also there's some canon divergence because it's my fix-it fic and I can headcanon whatever I want


This is the last night things are going to be all right.

Maybe forever.

It's not in my nature to lie here, like a sitting target. Nebula is curled up between Darkstalker and I, clinging to his dad even in his sleep. I'm not sure if Darkstalker is actually sleeping, or just pretending so we don't have to talk.

They're so beautiful, I think, tears stinging at my eyes. The sun brings out the hint of blue in Darkstalker's scales, glinting off the star patterns on Nebula's cheeks.

They're kind, and gentle, and perfect. And they will never be the same again.

I feel a thousand possible outcomes, racing through my mind at warp speed. So fast I can't fully comprehend a good half of them—but I don't need to.

There's no way out of this.

Or if there is, I'm not good enough to find it.

It's so quiet—there are two guards outside our door, I assume, waiting for the world to end. But they don't know that, of course. And maybe that's a mercy.

I adjust my wing around my son, and clear my throat.

"You are my sunshine," I sing softly. He doesn't stir.

"My only sunshine." My voice is rough and tired—I should have been sleeping for a good five hours now.

"You make me happy

When skies are grey

You'll never know, dear

How much I love you

So please don't—"

Darkstalker meets my eyes, for just a moment. Soft, and tired at first. Then suddenly wide with panic, as a strange, dizzying darkness takes over.


My sunshine...



I wake up surrounded by blinding white.

I flail my wings out in a panic, my heart racing.

"DARKSTALKER?!" I call out, my voice a little hoarse. How long was I out? "NEBULA?!" The scream just bounces back at me. The cell is made of smooth white marble--a single torch burning with bright blue flames, cold to the touch. I glance down my wrist. Everything is gone--my knife, my wedding ring, my engagement ring, Eclipse's charm bracelet, and Darkstalker's moonstone one.

I feel so strange and vulnerable without them.

I've only taken off the whole wedding ring/engagement ring situation a handful of times in the past six years--and only because I thought they were too pretty for tasks like washing dishes or gardening. I used to take off the bracelet when I slept, but ever since Darkstalker and I moved in together, we decided it was best if I didn't, because my dreams had a tendency of leaking into his, especially the nightmares, and there was no reason for both of us to suffer. I've slept with that knife under my pillow ever since Foeslayer gave it to me, and had it on me pretty much all the time. Just in case. And Eclipse's bracelet was the last thing my daughter gave me before she disappeared. I still remember the meanings of all the charms, and how happy she was when she explained them to me--how long ago was that?

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