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Content warning: depictions of stalking, political conflict/instability, kidnapping, discussion of self-sacrifice and loss of a child, discussion of death, violations of free will, brief mentions of alcohol, discussion of the mess that is Darkstalker's family, brief discussion of suicide, and Sharp-eyes typical levels of horribleness



I tuck Darkstalker's scroll in my bag, and spring up off the balcony, my heart pounding as I soar through the sky, beating my wings as hard as I can. I land on the side of the building, taking out the scroll as I catch my breath.

After a quick scan through it, my assumption is confirmed: you word the enchantment the same way you would if you said it out loud. I dip my claw in a pot of ink.

I enchant the guards around the library to believe everything I say.

I let it soak in for a moment, then roll up the scroll, and make my way to the door.

"Sharp-eyes!" The head of the guard storms out to meet me. Right now, I'm the only dragon living at the library, but most of the guard is still deployed there. It's almost funny. "We've been looking for you—where did you go, if I may ask?" His tone makes it clear I don't have a choice not to answer.

"I didn't leave the building. I've been hanging out at the library all of this morning, sir," I say pleasantly, stepping past them. He frowns, opening his mouth to disagree. I watch, as each guard's eyes go blank, and smile to myself.

"Of course, sir. I'm so sorry." The dragon's words are stitled and strange, like a machine trying to emulate normal speech. We'll have to work on that.

I smile to myself as I walk through the tall rows of shelves, through to one of the back rooms, where we'd normally keep delicate historical documents. I push aside one of the storage bins and lower myself through the trap door. I wasn't sure if a spell was gonna work if I enchanted a living dragon; but Darkstalker's done it before, so I figured if I were using his scroll, I'd be able to as well.

And I was right.

I take a moment to let my eyes adjust to the dark, feeling on the wall with my wing until I find a small wooden door. This is where I've been sleeping of late; it's far enough out of the way, I I'll be out of the range of most mind-readers. (There are three in the guard right now, and I swear Darkstalker just put them to unnerve me.)

I swat the cobwebs out of my face, pull the scroll out, and unroll it on my desk. (Moving this thing down here was a chore, let me tell you.)

I yawn. It's been a busy day—but there's no way I'm going to sleep until I've figured this out. I'll have to try and get something to eat later—maybe there'll be a new shipment of prey from the Rain Kingdom soon; I hate most of the fruit.

This thing is massive. Darkstalker must have enchanted it to grow bigger as he needs. How long has he had this thing? I wish he could have dated the spells. Or written a bit more legibly.

Enchant this inkwell to fly up, touch the ceiling once, then fly back into my talons without spilling a drop.

I raise my eyebrows. That was his first spell, really?

Enchant this bracelet to shield the wearer's thoughts from any mind-readers. Ah—Clearsight's bracelet; of course. I was pretty sure Darkstalker made it for her; no one is that good at blocking.

Enchant this blanket to keep any dragon it covers at the perfect temperature.

I roll my eyes. It goes on like that for ages—a plate that keeps his mother's dinner warm, a set of paints for his sister that never runs out, a set of scrolls that are linked up, so him and Clearsight can write messages back and forth. (I assume when they're in class, because it's also enchanted to appear like detailed notes to any other dragon).

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