
252 10 78

content warning: timeline series typical political instability, sharp eyes


Dreamsinger and Brightmind, for once, have been happy to defer to me on one thing: our kingdom's new laws. So I've been sneaking Complex's scroll to work and scribbling down concepts while I should be organizing ancient statues and amulets.

I haven't made much headway—so far about all we've got is:

1. Punishments for transgressions against the New Star from within should be fitting to the crime and as nonviolent as possible under the circumstances.

2. Every action must receive a unanimous vote between us, and then be presented to the rest of the group, about a hundred dragons strong now. It only requires a majority vote from them.

So here we are. Enacting our second law.

"We've been receiving signals in what we've determined is military code, probably made with a mirror, from the palace—for three weeks," I say, my voice booming around the cave. "Brightmind, Constellation, Dreamsinger and I, believe that these are likely from someone we can trust on the inside. But we don't know; we can't get close enough to see who it is for sure. And there is a margin of risk we could be sending a message back to Sharp-eyes, and playing into his talons. So ultimately, this decision is up to you." I hesitate, my eyes scanning over the crowd. "All those in favour of responding, raise your talons."

The room fills with low murmurs and shifting glances. Even in the most revolutionary circles, dragons are still getting used to the idea that their feelings on this matter have any weight. Epiphany stands in the front of the crowd, and she gives me a reassuring smile.

It was Brightmind and Dreamsinger who spotted the signals, late at night as we all talked and flew home, faint blips of light coming from the tower. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but then they just kept coming, the same pattern over and over. By the next day, we had figured out what they meant:


I count out the talons under my breath as they're raised, making a note on a scrap of paper. There 112 dragons in this cave right now, and 78 are in favor.

"All right, is that everyone?" I call.

None of the votes seem to change. The room bursts into raucous cheering.

"ALL RIGHT!" I shout over the din. "We're going to send a message back. We'll keep you all posted when we get a response." I climb off the boulder, letting my shoulders relax.

Every time one of these votes goes off without anyone dying, it's a victory. I smile to myself, staring down at the floor.

"Well, you know how to talk to a crowd," Brightmind says, coming up to me. They have this uncanny ability to materialize out of nowhere.

"You were wonderful," Dreamsinger agrees, never far behind them.

Epiphany shrugs as we all start to walk down the tunnels. "I'm just glad I don't have to do it."

"It's basically just like talking to your friends," I say with a shrug. "One hundred friends, but still. I'd take it over one-on-one conversations any day."

"I know. It just... makes me all nervous." Epiphany shakes out her wings, shuddering. "I can do the message."

"I'll help," I volunteer immediately. "It's, um, probably better with two of us, so I can translate the code and she can tell me what they're saying."

Brightmind snickers.

"What?!" I ask, affronted.

"Nothing. Nothing," they say, shaking their head. "Fine. Dreamsinger and I can hold down the fort for a few more hours."

One True Queen: A Wings of Fire fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now