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content warning: discussion of child soldiers, the most toxic school environment you have ever seen, Snowfox's terrible relationship skills and IceWing society in general


Since our fight, Snowfox let me have a room at the palace, very close to hers. (Closer than Polar's is, actually—I can't tell if that's supposed to be a gesture of affection or a show of how little she trusts me. Probably the latter.)

But it's not really that much of an upgrade. I can only walk from one end of the royal wing to the other (with two guards tailing me everywhere I go), and the only things I have to my name right now are art supplies and a polar bear fur. The windows are bolted shut.

And everything here is made of ice. I know it's supposed to be luxurious, but the bed is really just an ice shelf, and it makes my back sore. And if I want to take a bath, the water feels like it's just above freezing. I constantly have to be mindful of how I walk, so I don't slip and fall. And I'm still so cold, all the time. I thought I'd get used to it--but I haven't so far.

I shiver, glancing at myself in the silver mirror that was here when Snowfox brought me here, probably some old IceWing princess's. I look like I'm on the verge of succumbing to frostbite, but otherwise—

A knock sounds at the door. I answer it—Snowfox. Of course. She's not wearing her crown today either. What's up with that?

She clears her throat. "Good. You're up. My—Snowflake told me that they would eat you alive at Princess Alabaster if you showed up looking like this. So she's offered you some of her jewelry." She clears her throat, passing me a box full of earrings and necklaces, a few tiaras, and a white fur cloak.

"She also said it would be a disruption if you're shivering all the time. So, here." She passes me the white fur cloak, far too big for me. "This was mine from when I was your age."

"Oh. Thank you." I still hate her, but right now I'm too busy shivering into the warm fur to be mad. Plus, I need to keep Snowfox on my good side—at any moment, she could shove me right back in that awful cell.

"Don't mess that up," Snowfox says sternly. "That got me through my first battle assignment. I'm only giving it to you because if you came down with hypothermia, it would be rather irritating to deal with."

"I understand," I say quietly, bowing my head. "Will my guards be coming with me?" I glance at the two dragons stationed at my door.

Snowfox shoots me an irritated look, like I should have known this already. "Until you prove you can be trusted."

"Got it." I fidget with my tail, wishing she'd just leave me alone already. This is already nerve-wracking enough, isn't it?

Snowfox shifts on her claws. "This is a privilege. It can be taken away," she growls. "So try me, and you will be right back in that prison faster than I can snap my claws."

"Understood," I repeat, nodding. Trying not to show any fear in my expression.

"This school is going to train you to properly serve our--your tribe, do you understand me?  And that is why I'm sending you here. All your teachers will report to me should you step one claw out of line. You will be monitored every minute you are within those walls. It will be difficult, it will be cruel, and it will shape you into a proper young IceWing. It will right—" Snowfox waves her talons at me. "All the softhearted mistakes your mother clearly made while raising you."

My mother is ten times the dragon you are, Snowfox, I want to say. But that probably wouldn't go over so well.

And if you think learning some dance steps and memorizing your history is going to make me forget what you've done to my family, you're dead wrong.

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