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Gaze paces around the fire, tail lashing back and forth.

"This is ridiculous," she mutters. "What are we supposed to do, sit here forever waiting for them to come back?"

She seems to think if she just rants loud enough, it'll bring Shadowhunter and Permafrost back. I'm trying to be patient with her.

"Shadowhunter was supposed to make dinner, she specifically told me she wanted to, and now this?! Seriously?! RRRRRGH!" Gaze stomps her talon into the ground, then takes a deep breath. "All right. I'm sorry. I'll, um... I'm gonna go out and try to find us something to eat. I just need to cool down." She shoots us an apologetic look.

"What if they're hurt?" Way asks quietly, staring out at the last remains of sunset—staining the sky brilliant shades of orange, red, and yellow. "What if Epiphany kidnapped them? Or someone realized Shadowhunter was royalty, and they're holding her hostage? Or it's the cult?"

Gaze hesitates, considering both of those possibilities for a moment. "I... don't know. Let's try not to worry, okay?"

She doesn't mean it. She'll probably worry herself sick over it while she's out hunting. But Gaze is the kind of dragon who values appearing put together, above all else. Even when you can kinda tell she's lying. And I can understand that, so I play along.

"Is there anything I can do to help? Like, to make things easier?" I ask.

Gaze sighs. "Just try to stay out of trouble while I'm gone."


The next morning, Gaze shakes us awake, and we eat breakfast by the charred remains of the campfire. I miss Shadowhunter and Permafrost. At least their bickering gave us something to talk about.

Gaze takes a sip of her tea, rubbing her eyes. "Okay. Um... this sucks, huh?"

"We should tell my dad," Way suggests, doodling in the sand like he often does. "He'll know how to fix this."

"Yeah! He could use his magic to fix everything, right?" I agree. Or he'd kill us all. Didn't he help Clearsight steal all of Allknowing's things that one time, and dangle her nephew over a cliff as a hostage? Or was that just propaganda? I'm not sure. I guess that's the point. 

I don't voice my worries out loud, though. He is Way's dad, after all. I don't want to be rude.

Gaze considers this. "No--not yet. They might have just got lost or something, I don't want to get the king and queen involved if we don't have to. They're gonna think I'm totally incompetent, that's what's gonna happen, and then—"

"All right, calm down," I say in my most soothing tone. "I'm sure we can work this out in some way other than yelling at each other. Why don't we all take a big, deep breath—"

"Precocious, my sister is missing!" Way cries. Oh, great, now they're just mad at me instead. Not like that hasn't happened before. "She's gone, and stupid Gaze can't even call Mom and Dad—"

"COULD YOU PLEASE JUST LET ME FINISH MY SENTENCE?!" Gaze roars, exasperated. We both fall silent, exchanging a nervous glance. She rubs her forehead. "Thank you. Okay. Look—we're already super close to the palace, and we can't afford to delay meeting Epiphany any longer. We need to split up."

"Or Dad could just use his magic," Way mutters.

Gaze clenches her jaw. "They probably just lost track of time. Or something. I don't wanna make a big deal."

One True Queen: A Wings of Fire fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now