Chapter 2: A Friend

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Chapter 2 -A Friend

"Excuse me, where's the building of the Arts Department?" I asked the lady guard.

"Go straight ahead, and then turn left on the corner of the AB Department." She answered; I smiled, bid goodbye and went straight ahead.

It has been two months since I graduated high school and now I am currently enrolled in UST. What consists the Arts Department is Fine Arts, Architecture and Engineering. Engineering has too much math in it, can't bear it. And since I know how to draw structures and landscapes but never a human's face, I've decided to take up Architecture. I did a portrait of grandma once and all she did was laugh at it, yeah well, I'm never making you anything ever again grandma. That's why I chose Architecture over Fine Arts and Engineering.

I've reached the building and now I'm in the front door of my class room. I must say, this school is kind of legit. Every department has their own building and each building has an elevator.

"This is it." I said to myself trying to be calm as possible.

As I walk pass the door, my eyes scouted the room for a vacant seat, all the back seats were occupied and the only seats unoccupied were the ones up in front. I took a seat at the farthest to the front which was the 2rd row, 2nd seat.

"Hi!" an unfamiliar voice startled me.

"Ah, hi..." I responded hesitantly.

"I'm Joanna Bautista, you?" She asked.

"I'm Katy Sanchez, nice to meet you." I answered with a smile.

Joanna Bautista, the first person I meet in school. I think I can actually be friends with her, she looks nice and really pretty with her long straight hair. I hope we can be friends.

"Okay class, be quite. I am your dean, Arch. Aina Diemsen. I will be giving you a tour around the campus and show you mainly the areas of our department after the orientation."

We proceeded to the department's theater for the orientation. Joanna and I stayed together during the whole walking period from the class room to the theater. She's actually quite talkative and she's easy to hang out with.

"So, how do you find the school?" Joanna asked.

"It's fairly different from mine. This school is too legit, and don't get me started on the students around here." I laughed.

"I know! I mean look at them, so high and classy-looking." She agreed.

"You don't look bad yourself, it looks like you've actually been studying here." I chuckled on which she was quite uneasy about.

"Oh my gosh! Don't tell me? You're a loyalist, aren't you?" I burst out asking.

"Well..." She answered hesitantly.

We both started to laugh and it didn't come to mind that we were in the theater having our orientation.

"Miss Sanchez! Miss Bautista!"

Suddenly a voice shouted at us, it was the dean! Joanna and I looked at each other and said "We're dead."

"Do you mind sharing your conversation ladies?" Dean shrugged.

"Ah nothing, dean." Joanna answered.

"Don't make me call on you twice Miss Bautista and Miss Sanchez, understood?" Dean demanded.

"Yes, Dean." Both of us answered with assurance.

Joanna and I smiled at each other. I never thought I'd gain a friend on the first day of school. I'm surprised and happy at the same time.


I hope you liked this chapter, stay tuned for the next one.

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Thank you and God bless. 😊

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