Chapter 19

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The morning sun was doing its job of being too damn bright. The town of Kouh was subjected to the light of that inconsiderate bastard as one certain loli of the (Y/N) household was woken up. Fear rubbed her eyes to wipe the sleep from them.

"What time is it?" She asked before looking at the clock. She saw that it was two hours after school had started. Her eyes widened as she shot out of bed and started to get ready. "(Y/N)?! (Y/N)!" She yelled but didn't get a response.

"Where can he be?!" She asked as she finished getting ready. She ran out of the house and made a dash to school. When she arrived, her anger rose as she saw a familiar face standing at the gates. "(Y/N)!" She yelled.

"Huh?" He turned around and gave an uneasy smile. "Hey Fear."

"Don't 'Hey' me. Why didn't you wake me up this morning?" She asked.

"I just forgot." He said while laughing nervously. She eyed him closely as he was fidgeting from being observed.

"You're acting weird." Fear said as she got closer to him. She stared directly into his eyes as he backed away slightly.

"What? No... Not weird at all." You said before turning around. "Anyway, I'll see you later. Adios!" You said before running into the school. Fear stood there as she eyed you suspiciously. 

"Hmm..." She then walked into the school.

Throughout the school day, she didn't see him once all day. Wherever she looked, he was nowhere to be found. Her suspicions continued to grow as the school day came to an end. She made her way back home, thinking about where (Y/N) was.

"He's not even home." She said as she walked into the house. He was nowhere in sight as she made her way to the kitchen. However, to her disappointment, there was only a note on the fridge.

"Fear, I made you dinner. I'll be home late, so don't wait up. (Y/N)." She read the note before opening the fridge. She ate dinner and did her homework. Later she was laying on her bed as she quickly fell asleep.


The smell of something burning invaded her nose as she jolted awake and covered her nose. "W-What's going on?!" She asked while coughing from the amount of smoke in the air. She walked out of the room to see that the smoke was coming from downstairs. When she reached the stairs, the bottom floor of the house was on fire, preventing her from escaping. She made her way through to another room to escape when she heard something coming from above. "This house has an attic?!"

She found the entrance to the attic and looked inside. Standing there was (Y/N), a stern expression on his face as he stood opposing another guy. This man had the same face with darker colored clothes. Fear blinked in surprise at the presence of (Y/N) Black as the two of them stared at each other.

"Another (Y/N)?" She asked.

"So you decided to show yourself (N/Y)." (Y/N) asked.

"Only a coward would hide from someone like you." (N/Y) laughed.

"Then get ready to get down." The two of them got ready. Fear tensed as she waited for the two of them to start fighting. However, to her surprise, Disco Inferno started to play.

The two (Y/N)s started to bob their heads to the music before (Y/N) started to dance. Fear, who was too shocked to utter a sound, watched the dance battle unfold. The house was burning down around them as the fire spread throughout the attic. Neither of them cared as they contin-

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