Chapter 6

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It was another day at Kuoh as everyone was heading for class. That was, everyone except for you. You were seen heading for the front gate again. Nobody batted an eye, since they were used to you leaving school for no reason, even the student council had given up and trying to keep you in school. However, before you could make it through the gates, you were snatched by the back of your collar.

"Hey, what gives?" You said while turning your head to see Arcuid and Fear standing behind you. Arcuied being the one holding you by the Collar.

"And where do you think you're going (Y/N)?" Arcueid asked while giving you a look. You looked uncomfortable with her gaze on you. "You wouldn't happen to be trying to ditch school again would you?"

"Um... Well... No?" You tried lying, but Arcueid didn't buy it.

"Not today Mister, you are going to class whether you like it or not." Arcueid told you.

"But it's so boring! The teacher just drones on and on. It just doesn't end." You complained while turning to face the two of them.

"You will be going to class, that is unless you want us to take all of your art supplies." Fear threatened with a smug grin. You gasped in horror at the extant they'll go to get you in class.

"You monsters." You said before ultimately giving up and started to walk pass them. "Fine, I'll go."

"And no paint clones." Arcueid told you.

One Short Walk later

You walked through the doors of the class room as you heard a deafening gasp from everyone in the class, even the teacher let out a gasp. You saw them all starting at you in wonder and started to get annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm here, can we just start the class?" You asked, knocking everyone out of their stupor.

"Um, y-yeah. Please take your seat, Mr. (L/N)." The teacher said with a gleeful look before you heard him say something else to himself. "I never thought I'd get to say that."

You stared at the board while the teacher wrote today's lecture on it. As his voice droned on and on you could feel your eyes slowly closing. Soon you found yourself resting your head on the your desk, fast asleep. That was until something hit you in the head.

"Why am I not surprised, first time I see you in a while and you're sleeping." You heard a German accent while you rubbed the back of your head in pain. You looked up to see your assailant.

 You looked up to see your assailant

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"Margit... Let me sleep." You told the red headed german girl. Her name was Margit Eberbach.

"Nein, you need to focus so that you can earn an education." She said while taking her seat next to you. Time droned on as the teacher talked about whatever it was he was teaching. However, you stared at Margit with total concentration.

"Where have you been?" You finally asked her.

"I had to handle family issues back in Germany." She said while taking notes on the lecture. You turned your head sideways to look at her. "And what of you?"

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