Chapter 3

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"Are you done yet?" You asked impatiently as Yuno finally came back, only covered in blood. She had a sweet smile on her face as if she didn't just brutally dismember someone.

"Sure am." She smiled.

"Alright, we better get home and clean you up, don't want anyone calling the cops on us." You said as you started to head home. Yuno followed close behind as she held onto your arm. You carefully navigated your way around town, so that no one noticed the blood-covered Yuno. The two of you were almost home when the last obstacle came into your path. 

"Alright, we're almost there. We just need to get past the playground." You said as you hid Yuno from sight while also observing children and their parents running around. "We'll just have to make a break for it and hope for the best." Yuno nodded as both of you prepared to sprint across the playground. "Alright, 1, 2, 3, Go!" You yelled. The two of you dashed across the playground, making sure to avoid children.

"Hey, Mister!" A kid's voice called out as both of you stopped in place. You turned around to see a little girl looking at you curiously and pointed at Yuno. "Why is she red?"

"Oh, she's red because we were working on a painting together and we accidentally dropped a bucket of red paint on her." You said with a small smile.

"You can say it sprayed all over me." Yuno said as you elbowed her side. She smiled as you gave her a disappointed look. The little girl was thinking about your answer before nodding her head.

"Oh, that makes sense." She said with a smile.

"Right, now if you'll-" You said before being cut off.

"Then that must mean your an artist!" She yelled with stars in her eyes. "Can you paint me something?!" She said with a bright smile. You paused, unsure how to go forward.

"Um, sure kid." You said before moving your finger across Yuno's body, who shivered at the contact, and got some blood on your finger. You then drew an outline of a flower on the ground. The girl watched it with anticipation before you used your sacred gear to make the flower come to life. You picked them up and gave them to her as she looked at you in amazement. "Here you are."

"Wow!" She said as she held the flowers. "That was amazing!"

 "Thanks, now if you'll excuse us, we need to get her cleaned up." You said as the kid smiled and waved.

"Bye Mr. Artist, bye paint lady." She said as you both waved goodbye to her. Once you were gone you breathed a sigh of relief.

"That was a close one, at least it was a kid. Now, let's go before any adults actually find us." You said as you grabbed Yuno's hand and lead her through the streets. The two finally arrived at the house as you quickly opened the door and went inside. "Made it. Alright, go on get clean. I'll wait for you down here."

She nodded and went upstairs as you noticed that Yuno left paint on your school shirt and blazer. You sighed and took it off and threw it into the washer. You went upstairs to get some new clothes. However, you stopped at the bathroom door.

"(Y/N), can you help me?" You heard her voice from behind the door.

"Forget it Yuno. I fell for it once when we were kids, but not again." You told her. You started to walk away from the door when you heard an extremely loud crash. You stopped in place and turned around to the door. "Yuno, what was that?"

You received no reply as you sighed and moved back to the door. "It's probably a mistake." You mumbled to yourself. You knocked on the door. "Yuno? Is everything alright?" You once again received no reply. You sighed again before opening the door. "I swear if this is another trick..." You said while walking inside. You looked around but didn't see her, but that changed when the door slammed shut behind you. You sighed before turning around and seeing Yuno in a towel, smiling. 

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