Chapter 15

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What was in chapter 14

After introducing yourself to the rest of the Azur Lane Factions, you sat in a meeting with the leaders of said faction. You looked at all of them as they were waiting for to you speak.

"I'm glad you could all join me. I know that the three factions attacked you, but I don't think it was a decision made by all of them." You said as they listenly closely. "That's why we should find out who this people are."

"Then what do you propose Commander?" Enterprise asked as she and the others wanted to know what your plan was. You smiled deviously at them all.

"For now, we need something to keep them busy while we figure things out." You said. "Starting trouble with the three factions is too troublesome. So we need a distraction.

"And what is your plan human?" Empress asked, receiving some glares from the other girls for calling you a human. You on the other hand, smirked.

"I have an idea." You said as your paint brush appeared behind you.


You stood there in the meeting room as most of the ships girls went to talk with their factions. Only Bismarck and Graf Zeppelin stayed behind.

"So what is this idea of yours Commander?" Bismarck asked.

"This." You said before drawing a large amount of creatures. Each creature giving off a large amount of power. You waited for couple second until a portal opened. Then Vali and his team walked out.

"(Y/N), its been a while and I was just started to think you forgot about us." Vali smirked. You nodded and dismissed the creatures who instantly became paint again.

"That it has." You said while leaning on your paint brush. "I would have responded sooner, but as you can see." You said, pointing at Bismarck and Graf. "I got tied up in a couple things."

"We noticed. You had that fight with the Phenex and even managed to create a harem for yourself." Bikou said while smiling.

"Yep. By the way Kuroka. Wanna go on a date?" You asked, making her smile. Before she could answer, Vali interrupted.

"Before we get to any of that, have you thought about our offer?" Vali asked.

"Yes, I'll join your group, but I need a favor first. Kuroka, can you open portals to places?" You asked as she nodded.

"Yes, I can. Just say where and I'll create one." Kuroka said.

"Great. Then I need one to heaven, hell and wherever the fallen reside." You said as they looked at you confused.

"What do you need these portals for?" Arthur asked you.

"I have a plan." You told them while kicking your paintbrush over your shoulder.

Meanwhile, Hell

We see a red headed Satan sitting at his desk. He had a depressed look on his face as a mountain of paper was stacked in front of him.

"Paperwork... This is so boring..." Serzechs complained. That's when someone ran into his office. "A distraction! I mean, what is it?"

"Sir, we're under attack!" The devil told him as Serzechs stood from his seat.

"Lead me there!" He said, eager to stop the threat and get away from paper work. They followed what sounded like gun shots that were echoing in the distance. Screams and cries for help followed shortly afterwards. As they drew closer, a group of devils ran past them, nearly knocking Sirzechs and the other demon to the floor.

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