Family Dinner

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Right now, (Y/N) is in Hell, specifically the Sitri territory. He was invited by the Sitri family for dinner. Not seeing any reason to refuse, he accepted. Now you were sitting at the family table with Sona, Serafall, and their parents.

"Thanks again for inviting me to dinner." You thanked Sona's parents. Lord Sitri nodded as he handed a plate of food to his wife.

"Of course Sweetie. It's the least we could do for our future son-in-law." Lady Sitri smiled at you. You smiled back before going to serve your own food. As everyone started eating, Lord Sitri asked Sona a question.

"Sona dear, how is school going?" Lord Sitri asked.

"It's going well." Sona answered.

"I hope it's not too distracting having (Y/N) around." Lady Sitri giggled as Sona was quick to answer.

"No, he's-" You cut her off with your own answer.

"The right kind of distracting." You answered. Earning you a kick in the shin from Sona. You winced while rubbing your shin to ease the pain. You smiled playfully at Sona who was looking at you disappointedly.

"Seems you two have a healthy relationship." Lord Sitri said, delighted to know that you two were getting along.

"It also looks like he's getting along with Sera as well." Lady Sitri remembered the nights you hung out with Serafall.

"Yeah! (Y/N)'s the only one who'll watch magical girl shows with me!" Serafall was happy that there was at least one person who would watch them with her. The Sitris and their guest continued to talk and have a good time.

The night was going fine... Until it wasn't. 

As the family was eating, Sona asked for something that would change the course of the night.

"Daddy, can you pass the salt?" Sona asked.

"Sure thing." Both you and Lord Sitri reached for the salt. Both of you stopped when your hand was directly over his. 

The two of you stared at each other as the rest of the Sitri family watched silently. Sona's face slowly turning red from what she said. 

"Excuse me, but I think I might have misheard something." Lord Sitri said as his eyes narrowed.

"You heard correctly sir." You retracted your hand then used your napkin to wipe your mouth. You set it down before looking him right in the eyes. "The question now is, what's going to happen?"

Lord Sitri would admit he didn't care too much for that challenge tone you asked him in. However, before he could say anything, Lady Sitri entered.

"Please dear. Let's not get to bent out of shape. It's their business what they like to do in their alone time." Sona's mom said while being amused by her children and husband's reactions.

"Mom!" Sona yelled in embarrassment as her face started to turn red.

"Oh relax sweetie. I know what it's like to be young and adventurous." She giggled at Sona's reaction. "After all, there's plenty of stories that your father and I have. If you're interested?"

"No!" Sona and Serafall yelled in disgust.

"Now we're talking." You said while leaning forward on the table.

"(y/n)!" Sona yelled your name and glared at you.

"Scream my name louder. I know you can." You smirked at her face turning an even deeper red.

"Oh my~" Lady Sitri smiled while Lord Sitri heard enough. 

"That's enough. I don't care to hear about my daughter's sexual exploits during dinner." Lord Sitri yelled.

"Well here we are!" You yelled, getting equally riled up.

"Let's just calm down." Serafall tried to calm the two of you down while Sona could only cover her face from your obscenity. "Alright daddy?"

"Alright Sera." Both of you said before Lord Sitri released you answered as well.

The two of you stared at each other again as Serafall covered her mouth and her face turned as red as Sona's.

"Serafall too?" Lord Sitri asked as his forehead furrowed in annoyance and growing anger. 

"Sometimes both." You shamelessly admitted, much to the embarrassment of Sona and Serafall. Meanwhile, Lady Sitri was having a ball with everything that was happening. Lord Sitri's grip on his fork tightened before relaxing as he took a deep breath.

"It's fine. The three of you are old enough to make your own decisions. I can't choose who Serafall or Sona fall in love with. No matter how tactless he may be." He narrowed his eyes at your smiling self. "I can swallow this information." He said while sitting back in his chair.

"That's not the only thing being swallowed tonight." You jokingly muttered, but unfortunately your comment reached Lord Sitri's ears. 

"That's it!" Lord Sitri said as threw his napkin on the table. He stood up abruptly while you ran away from the table. "Get back here you bastard!" He yelled while giving chase.

"Wait dad!" Sona yelled before following after the two of you.

"Let's just talk about this!" Serafall yelled while also following. Lady Sitri was the only one left at the table. She had a delighted smile and her face while letting out a soft giggle.

"Such a spirited young man." She chuckled as the sound of things breaking and you screaming came from within the mansion.

"I did your daughter in a Tuxedo Mask cosplay!" Your voice yelled out.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Serafall yelled out afterward.

"I'm going to kill you!" Lord Sitri yelled.

 "A fine addition to the family." Lady Sitri giggled.

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