Chapter 2

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You were resting peacefully in a bed, but that peace was interrupted by the accursed shine of daylight as it pierced your rest. You groaned as your eyes slowly opened before shutting them quickly due to the light being in your eyes. You shifted to your side and moved your hand forward and grabbed something soft. Expecting to have Momoyo do something you prepared yourself and tried to pretend you were still asleep.

"Ara ara, such a naughty little brother." You did not hear Momoyo's voice, but Taihou's voice instead, as you opened your eyes to see her bright red eyes staring at you. She grinned as you looked at your hand on her breast. "It's alright if you want to touch more." She said as she grabbed your wrist, keeping your hand in place. You soon felt yourself being pushed back onto your back as Taihou straddled you. "You know, there's still a couple of hours before school starts~" She said while leaning in closer to your neck. You could feel her warm breath sent shivers down your body.

"T-Taihou." You mumbled as she licked your neck, causing you to shudder.

"Just relax and let me handle all the work. Just be my submissive little (Y/N) like always." She whispered in your ears. Her arms snaked down your body as they traveled towards your sweats. She gripped the top of them and started to pull them down slowly. All while giving you a lustful smile. Your face remained the same, except for a blush. However, that moment was interrupted when the door was knocked down.

"Get off my little (Y/N)!" Arcueid said as she walked into the room.

"Mou, how did you know?" Taihou asked.

"I always know when my (Y/N) is in distress." She said with a smile. She then grabbed your arm and pulled you away from Taihou. "Now let's go, we're going to be late for class." The two of you then walked out of the room.

"Oh, (Y/N)." She called getting your attention. You looked at her as she fumbled about. "Do you think we can go get some hamburgers after school?" She asked with a smile. You nodded your head as she hugged you.

"Thanks, now I need to go get ready." She said before running off to her room. You walked to your room to see Yuno already in it.

"Morning Yuno." You greeted her without batting an eye. She turned around to smile at you.

"Good Morning (Y/N)." She said while getting closer.

"Wait outside. I need to get ready." You told her. She pouted but nodded and left the room. You quickly changed into your school uniform and exited your room as Yuno waited patiently outside. "Come on, let's go downstairs." She nodded before following you downstairs.

"So how has your morning been so far?" Yuno asked as the two of you stopped at the base of the stairs.

"You know, the usual. Taihou stealing me in my sleep, Arcueid saving me." You told her.

"That's where you were at, I was wondering where you disappeared too." Momoyo said while coming down the stairs.

"You're the one who failed to noticed Taihou sneaking into your room." Yuno said as Momoyo sighed.

"She's quiet when she wants to be." Momoyo said before walking past you and into the kitchen. You followed after her to get something to eat as well. While eating, the three of you saw Fear dressed and waiting impatiently at the door.

"Finally, took you all long enough." She said as you shrugged.

"Usual morning. What did you expect?" You asked as she sighed. She then went to the stairs and yelled at the rest.

"Come on, we're going to be late for school!" Fear whined as everyone arrived at the front door. After doing a final check, you and everyone departed from the house and started to head for school.

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