♡Chapter 1♡

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I woke up from an alarm, when i look at the time its 6:30am i need to bath i am going to school, my eomma has been taking care of her bestfriend, but now she went to the hospital with her, i saw that she is fat now, she has a big belly, so my eomma has been helping her get up, make food for her even bath, i wonder why, because she is just fat its not like she is sick

When i got out of my room i saw appa eating, maybe i will ask him, "morning appa" i said, "morning son, ready for school?" He asks and i nod taking my breakfast to eat with him, "appa why is eomma's friend fat like that and have a big belly and why is eomma taking care of her?" I ask him, "oh don't worry about that she needs to be taken care of" he said, i nodded, after we left, he dropped me at school.

I met with Tae & Joonie hyung, "hey hyungs" i said, they said that they are now brothers of twins 1 girl and 1 boy and they said that the girl is black i wonder how but i would love to meet them, they said their names are Sunwoo he is a boy and Ninah is a Girl they are now 3 months old, i wonder where babies come from, "hey Kook, why do you look so confused?" Joonie ask, "its nothing, lets go to class" i say and we left

Time skip after school

"Hyungs wanna hang out?" I ask them, well i have 2 friends who are 9 years, and 1 is 2 years younger than me he is 8 years old, then 1 is same age as me he is 10 years old, but i am not 10 yet i am turning 10 years in 3 days yay, notice my sarcasm. Then Joonie and Tae are 11 years old , "sure Kookie hyung lets go" Felix said he is the one who is 8 years, "yea i can go" JungWon said and he is 9 years, then Jake agreed and he has 9 year, then Jackson said he can hangout he has 10 years like me then twins are the one who are 11 years Tae hyung and Joonie hyung

"Lets go to my house" Jackson hyung said
, we all agreed and left to play video games at His house home

At the hospital


Mrs Jeon got to the hospital with Mrs Park, she was going to deliver in 3 days, "you know Jisoo Jungkook is tuning 10 years in 3 days and i was planning a party, but you are giving bith that day" Rose said to her friend Jisoo, "Rose please call the doctor, i have something to say" she said, Rose left to call the doctor and the doctor came in with 2 nurses, "wait please call your husband Rose" Jisoo said, "he will be here in 2 minutes he said he is bringing lunch for us" Rose said

And just as they were about to wait there was a knock on the door, the doctor opened and let Mr Jeon in. "Okay now that you are here, i need to say something important. Rose my bestfriend and Jaehyun i said to call the doctor because i need another wetness, since you know i am sick and i might die soon since i have last stage of cancer, after i give birth to my son, please take care of him, i am giving him to you since his father didn't want him, take care of him as you take care of Jungkook please promise me that, and i want him to become whatever he wants i don't want to force any career on him, and accept him as he is, if he will like guys or girls" she said

"I promise Jisoo we will take care of him and thank you" Rose said, "No thank you, and please take him with you when you make a party please add him there please after the check up, i am sad i won't be there but happy you will be there" Jisoo said

"What will you name him?" Rose asks, "i want him to be Jimin and use your second name please" Jisoo said

"Okay so hun please when you go order a cake tell them to add Jeon Jimin there" Rose said and his husband nodded

Time skip

Mr Jeon got a call from his friend Mr Wang to come and fetch Jungkook, when he got there they left. "Son, what would you like to have on your birthday party?" Mr Jeon asks. "Appa you know i hate celebrating my birthday, because its boring" Jungkook said, "Well what do you think about having a little brother?" Mr Jeon asks, "No i don't want anyone" jungkook said as he got out of the car as soon as they got home and ran to his room to sleep without doing his homework

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